
The Beard Is Back

Today SF Giants closer and beard ambassador to the world Brian Wilson made his triumphant return to Twitter. You may recall Wilson got himself into a bit of hot water two seasons ago with his first Twitter account. 

No word on how Kanye West feels about his new competition for most interesting tweeter or who advised Wilson to wear that horrible droopy condom on his head.

(photo of Wilson at Twitter HQ via Aaron Durand)

SF Gets Skateboard "Security Racks"

Doug over at Ice Tubes spotted this curious device in a USF parking lot the other day and wondered how the hell anyone would lock their board to this thing.  Thanks to the magic of the 'world wide web', Doug discovered that anyone skating and carrying a padlock can put their board between the rack and padlock the rings together, apparently keeping your board safe from thieves (unless they take your trucks off, of course).  Even though I doubt anyone ever actually uses these things, it's at least a step towards legitimizing the sport (which I'm sure will infuriate everyone, skaters included).


B4 The Mission Was Clean

This video is a tad on the long side, but if you can get past your internet ADHD, you'll have a solid look back on Mission skateboard culture of the mid-90s.  From the video description:

This footage is from 94. This is High8 footage from SF. I recieved the High8 tapes years later from a good friend: Marcos Nieves. The skating in this video is a good example of what you would find on the day to day in SF's Mission District. The LOS Crew consisted of many faces that where skateboarders, artists and people that were down for each other. Thank you for opening my eyes to some of the best times.

(via Mission Mission)

Sketching the Giants

Speaking of Andy Stattmiller, he also drew these badass caricatures of Brian Wilson and Lincencum.  Andy explains

For the two freaks that won the world series for the town of san francisco! Tim Lincecum(The Freak) and Brian Wilson (Black bearded guy with a mohawk). What ever happened to a nice clean crew cut like the old days? Those darn hippies. Well they can throw fast so I guess I will like them. Oh and did I mention that the won the #$##%$#@ world $#@!$# series!!!? Hats off (really, please remove the hat and rise) to the men who served this fine country with America's Favorite Pastime (baseball).

Not sure why he chose to make Lincencum's lower body look like Gollum's, but I dig it.  Anyway, also be sure to check out his caricature of Buster Posey.

BIG NEWS in Pinball

If you really needed another reason to visit Doc's Clock, they recently got their hands on a brand new Indiana Jones pinball machine.  Like, BRAND NEW.  Fresh out of the box.  As any other Bay Area pinball snob can tell you, this is a BIG FUCKING DEAL because most pinball machines in this city are BROKEN PIECES OF SHIT.  Anyway, this machine not only works, which is generally qualification enough, but also has magnets and an epic multiball (see video below).

Plus, if you are lucky, you might also stumble across a guy wearing an Indiana Jones hat playing the machine.

Revisiting 1930's Bay Area Motorsports Culture

Oakland Speedway, Nov. 1931.

Oakland Speedway, Nov. 1931.

Dirty Dave recently scanned a bunch of old photos from his “obviously badass” Great Uncle Harvey documenting Depression-era motorcycle and motorsports culture in the Bay Area.  The collection is full of unknown badasses, midget cars (there used to be an indoor midget race track in Downtown Oakland), a Warren Jalliano Special, and other good stuff.

Now if we're lucky, Burrito Justice will be able to use this source material for something epic.

(photo by SqueakyCleanDave)
