
Disc Golf Course Headed to McLaren Park?

Seems like a rad idea.  McLaren isn’t really that rad of a park and I liked drinking natty light and throwing frisbees at statues when I was in college.  I could totally see myself reliving those years in that park that is south of here.  Plus, I like the idea of stepping on needles while playing sports.

Anyways, it sounds like the NIMBY neighbors of the world are hating to the max.  I guess they are worried that some Hampshire College alumni will take away their dog park with their crazy antics.  Whatever.  Can’t my piece of plastic and your fucking 40-pound, raw-meat fed shit factory live in peace?

(SFDGC has more news.  The Examiner does too.)

Jersey to Be Valued at $10 Billion on Antiques Roadshow in 30 Years

Now, like most of you I’m sure, I like to pretend that me & Timmy Lincecum are bros. In my mind, we grab beers together, go on bike rides, play catch in the park, and I even smoke weed with him every once in awhile even though I don’t smoke weed. Still, I was a little surprised to see that this girl right here, not only met Timmy in Arizona and hung out with him all weekend, but somehow convinced him to sign her personalized “Mary Jane” Lincecum jersey. Good job! 

In other news, I’m busy trying to scrape together enough change to buy an Opening Day ticket. Wish me luck.

If You Need Me...

I’ll by busy TRAMPOLINING (is that a word? what’s google??) for the next ten thousand years on the new giant trampolines in the presidio. Yes, giant trampolines in San Francisco. I’m about to be fat, white, and high as a kite! Those dudes know what I’m talking about! Let’s do this!

SF Appeal has all the details, per usual. 

The Pacific Pinball Museum: An Ideal Place to Squander a Saturday Afternoon

Since I spend about as much time in Alameda as I do sober, I had never heard of the Pacific Pinball Museum before.  Then hell froze over and a sidebar ad on Facebook told my friends and I to check the place out.  Being the pinball addict that I am, I might be a little biased in saying THIS PLACE FUCKING RULES.  Seriously, I spent 3 hours there and the only reason I wanted to leave was that my feet started hurting from standing up so long.  They have something like 90 pinball machines that you can play as much as you want for $15.  Best of all?  It's in Alameda, which is basically an Alcatraz for yupsters and pinball machines. It strikes me as a lovely place dump a body or get a blowjob behind the bleachers.  ANYWAYS.  There is a pinball machine about food fighting.  It even has dancing cacti (pictured below).  'nuff said.  Check it out.

Bro Teaches Dog to Skateboard in the Park

You can file this one under “cool shit that would be cooler if Kevin had a real camera.”  The rest of the video came out worse, but you can see what is going on here.  Not pictured is the epic crowd and the dog growling at another dog who checked out the skateboard to the delight of the entire crowd.

Just pretend that there is a punk track in the background and a fisheye lens and you’ll be there.
