Mission District

Dolores Park Gets a Make-Over, Still Looks Like a Cheap Hooker

I know anything about Dolores Park and grass growing is a little too boring and newsy but I spend far too much time at this park so fuck it.

Peep this: just ahead of prime picking-up-chicks-while-drinking-Olde-English season, Dolores Park Works takes shit to task, making numerous of long-overdue improvements to the park.  More trash cans, signage, and trash compactors—a whole mess of new crap to spray-paint:

1. More trash receptacles. RPD recently installed a number of 4-can pods of concrete trash receptacles along the Dolores Street, including blue ones for recyclables (plastic, cans, glass). Be sure to note that a 4-foot red strip has been painted on the adjoining curb and two white lines have been painted on the street to signal to car owners that a change had been made. This ensures that Sunset Scavenger has access. Woo Hoo! No more trash piled on the ground next to an overflowing trash can!

2. Landscaping at 18th & Dolores. Our gateway should sparkle and welcome everyone to Dolores Park, don’t you think? It’s gone from a dirt patch to beautifully landscaped with irrigation.

Within a year, the plants will fill in and grace this corner with colorful plants. RPD will also soon re-seed the bare spots around 18th and 19th and Dolores.

3. New signage. Have you noticed the hand-painted Litter-Me-Not signs on the main steps at 19th & Dolores? Eight grade students in Paula Ginsburg’s Special Ed class at Everett MIddle School made these signs for us. You can also see them all around Everett Middle School, Mission High School, the tennis courts, and now at the main entrance to Dolores Park. Just a friendly reminder to well, not litter.


Really though, looks solid.  Looking forward to spring so I can ride my bike 4 blocks, get fortied, become irritated at the line for the single bathroom and subsequently water a palm tree.  Just kidding, I only soil the homes of park neighbors while scratching records on my “amplified devices.”

Cesar Chavez is the New Valencia

I was reading my favorite “makes-you-want-to-slow-clap-until-you-are-standing-up-in-your-seat-and-cheering” upstart news source this morning when I spotted this: plans to build a brand spankin’ new Cesar Chavez st.  Hot damn.  Bike lanes!  Wider sidewalks!  Telling the latino community to get the fuck out!  Who wants to open another coffee shop?

But seriously, back when I worked in the Dogpatch I had to ride my bike up and down this hellhole everyday.  Hope it works out.

Based Off This Poster Alone, I Really Want to Check Out Handlebar's Wednesday at Pop's

Ever since the Great Bender’s-Weird Fish Fallout of 2010, Pop’s has crept up to the top of my list of favorite SF bars (via a fully functional pinball machine/the best drink specials/having Babe on VHS/having good food nearby to bring in [Taqueria San Francisco/St. Francis/Venga Empanadas/bullet casings at Papa Potrero’s]).  Best of all, they have some quality DJ nights.  I was just looking around their MySpace page (don’t even say it) and came across this epic poster for Handlebar’s Wednesday:

Count me in.

Philz: Stepping Up the Bathroom Graffiti

Philz is my favorite spot to nurse off the tit of free wifi in the Mission because I don’t drink coffee and their tea is off the charts.  The only drawback is that there was nothing particularly interesting to look at in the bathroom as you unkink the hose/collapse on the floor in a nervous fit because you’re worried that the hella cute Jewish girl is going to jack your laptop while you’re busy taking pictures in the bathroom with your shit cellphone (true story/I’m an obsessive liar).  Anyways, the Philz bathroom has really been taken up a notch since I last visited in November.  Of course, someone half-heartedly tore down the “Boycott Israeli Apartheid” sticker, but it’s still generally a solid scene now:

I'm Never Having Babies, Part 52

I spotted this ensem in a baby store on Valencia and I call it, “MY VAGINA/SPIRIT IS BROKEN AND I CAN’T HAVE SEX AGAIN SO WHY NOT?” Alternately, “Two for the Road!” Or optionally, “3.5% of Heterosexual Men are Saving This Image For Later.” I could go on and on and on. 

I’m sorry, what exactly is being advertised here? The duel-action breast pump (ugh) or the totally inappropriate dress? What is it about maternity that brings out the no shame factor? It’s like all of a sudden these ladies think they can whip this shiz out in public and we’re all supposed to be like, “Oh the miracle of birth, so special.” This should be used in an abstinence campaign because congratulations, I’M NEVER HAVING SEX AGAIN. 

All I’m saying is, if there was a God, he would have taken my uterus/eyes by now because I can’t deal with this. 

(p.s. i wish i could say the best thing about this photo is the ghost on the mannequin’s crotch but really that’s just my boyfriend being appalled!)
