Dolores Park

Local Businesses, Chicken John Worried About McDonald's Coming to Dolores Park

Dolores Park Cafe, Faye's, and Chicken John (the self-appointed spokesman for the anti-American Apparel camp in 2009) have come out in force against Blue Bottle in Dolores Park, promoting a petition calling for Rec & Park to “stop commercialization of Dolores Park.”  When I first saw the petition last weekend, I figured it was going nowhere thanks to the absurd language used:

To: Recreation and Park Commission of San Francisco, Mayor of San Francisco

McDonald's in Dolores Park?

Why not? Blue Bottle Coffee is a national chain store, and they are in the queue to get a permit to open a “push cart” in OUR Park. Who knows what’s next… (link)

Of course, it is obvious there will never be a MickyDs in the middle of the park, but 883 people took the bait and signed the petition.  One Dolores St. crazy even signed thinking a McDonald's was actually being built:

It is unbelivable to think of having McDonald across from my house. It is not enough that we long term homeowners who pay tax, are bothered with your party permit WITHOUT THINKING OF US. NOW MCDONALD!!~

Don't get me wrong, I'm not opposed to the idea of having non-commercial, advertisement-free green spaces in the city, but is propagating the fictitious threat of Dollar Menu-pushing terrorists roaming around our park really the way to go about it?

Tag, You're It

Apparently when I was out of town, Mission Mission's AARP readership FREAKED THE FUCK OUT that someone tagged a plant.  I guess this means that the good citizens of San Francisco won't condone late-night people tagging in Dolores Park?

 (photo by terry.b)

Brown Baggin'

Dunno if this was planned or not, but between a giant octopus piñata (below) and some stack o' brown bags repurposed as a mushroom farm, it seems like Saturday was art day in #MiDoPa. I cannot say if this brown bag art project was done using trash scattered around the park or using new bags because, honestly, I was a little scared of talking to a pair of people rocking bucket hats while making such edgy and provocative art.

(Second photo by Erikakali)

Breaking News: San Francisco Coffee Costs More Than Crack, Just as Addictive


          bro lets go splitsies on a sack of Brazil - Fazenda Cambara C.O.E.

          bro lets go splitsies on a sack of Brazil - Fazenda Cambara C.O.E.

I don't really get the whole coffee snobbery in San Francisco. When I lived on the East Coast all you needed was a cup from Dunkin' Donuts, and you were set. In San Francisco it seems like the coffee brand you drink really defines you, like saying you only drink Tecate because PBR was so 2006.  Consequently, I feel the heat of social stigmas when I bring up my unabashed excitement for the return of the Pumpkin Spice Latte in all of its Starbucks glory. It's the perfect fall accessory you guys!

Anyway, San Francisco seems to be supporting the coffee bean pushers by supplying the hipster youth at their Mecca with future plans of a Blue Bottle stand in Dolores Park. The following Ken Burns style mockumentary from the people of Killing My Lobster is a rare glimpse into the growing gang mentality of these coffee crackheads fueled by San Francisco's local coffee houses.

One Rave to Ruin Them All

I've never been one to think the garbage situation in Dolores Park is WAY out of control (compared to the rest of the city, at least), but following LoveFest or LovEvoltion or LoveCon or #love or whatever the fuck it was called, the park was left in pretty fine form.  Yeah, the picture is hard to make out, but Tallboy Terrace looked a lot like the 15-year-old white kid equivalent of Sadr City.

Rec. & Park Wants to Turn Dolores Park Decision Making Process Over to Local McNimbydouche

I left last night's cry about vendors being permitted to operate in Dolores Park early because it was nothing but a session for activist organizations and City Hall to kiss each other's ass, but it looks like I missed the good stuff.  From Mission Loc@l:

Oct 7th will bring a hearing for a new procedure, he [Ed. Note: I don't know who “he” is, but I believe it do be Nicholas Kinsey, assistant director of concessions management] said. It will include ”a community meeting for every issue having to do with this park. Every major event. Every concession contemplated. We will have a selection panel for the park and and invite a community member to sit in. An unbiased community member. We will have a selection panel to come back and present the results to the community.”

They are seriously considering holding a meeting for every event permit?  Luckily no one who lives near Potrero del Sol gives a shit about 'their' park.

How Was Saturday's Big Lebowski Movie Night?

Pretty fucking amazing:

Luckily for me, some of my more ambitious friends loaded a murder van full of couches, rugs, tables and coolers early Saturday morning and setup shop front row, so my lazy ass could roll up at 7:45pm and get a prime seat.  Unfortunately, I missed the real show: the pre-show.  Rumors have it that there was a tecate yoga session, a man in a purple jumpsuit dressed as Da Jesus selling white russians, and indie-rock cool-kids Phoenix filmed a music video in the park.  Oh well.

Also, the park had a couple of people in it.

Two Park Movies, One Night

As I'm sure everyone in San Francisco with some degree of internet access already knows, Dolores Park will be hosting a movie night this Saturday.  The final movie night of season will feature the Cohen Bros classic The Big Lebowksi.  

But not down with Dolo, you say?  Think you might puke white russian all over the cute hipster chick sitting on the grass in front of you if you have to sit through Lebowksi for the seven hundred and sixty third time since Freshmen year of college??  Over Thirty Five years old and have questionable taste in movies or a strange Will Smith fetish???

Then Duboce Park has got a night for you!!!  

The Friends of Duboce Park have arranged their first ever movie screening with the San Francisco set Pursuit of Happyness, presumably to ensure a luke warm start to the program and while simultaneously deterring anyone who might consider defecting over from the Dolores Park set.  

Pursuit of Hapyness @ Duboce starts at 7:30pm.  The Big Lebowski @ Dolores starts at 8:00pm, and will be the final Dolores Park movie of the season.  

See you at Dolo.

Dolores Park Renovations: What We Can Expect

I know this meeting went down last week, but no mnstrm media outlets have covered the expected changes yet and, obviously (?), the future shape of The Park is important.  The quick details:

  1. The project has been delayed (let's be honest here, it will probably be delayed again).  Don't expect any construction to break ground prior to June 2012.
  2. The next “community” meeting about the project will likely happen around late Nov. / early Dec. this year (appropriately timed for when everyone under the age of 35 is traveling).
  3. A second building will be constructed in the park, sacrificing crucial green space.

Many of the crucial todos are something we can all agree with: better tennis courts, improved irrigation and drainage, making the park more accessible to the handicapped, improved facilities.  But the whole process is being hijacked by the vocal minority.  There is a demand to create a space for “active recreation.”  Calls to astroturf the “soccer field.”  A push from the historical clubs to preserve the dumpy restroom/facilities building and create a second structure to serve  as the bathrooms.  I've even heard some talk from some bikers of packing the next meeting and requesting a pump track go where the soccer pitch is now (which would be awesome, but that's not the point).  Really, the only thing missing is a giant Mickey Mouse statue.

This was the list of renovation requirements and ideas distributed by Rec. and Park at the “community” meeting last monday:

Renovation Basics:

  • Comply with federal ADA laws (interal walkways and perimeter sidewalks, seating, restrooms, sings/maps, etc.)
  • Make the park easier to maintain for RPD Operations Staff
  • Address safety concerns with MUNI tracks and 19th Street Bridge
  • Complete overhaul of irrigation system and drainage system
  • Renovate tennis/basketball courts
  • Provide new restrooms with more stalls
  • Provide care for existing trees and landscaping and integrate new planting into historic planting palette
  • Maintain historic fabric of the park

Additional Improvement Ideas:

  • Celebrate and preserve Mission Dolores Park's history and identity!
  • Renovation/repurpose existing restroom building
  • Add more pathway lighting, benches, tables, and bicycle racks
  • Provide flexible recreation opportunities (multi-use sport court, field)
  • Create safe and welcoming park entries (including 19th Street)
  • Support active recreation with improved turf field, adult exercise equipment, and perimeter jogging/running path
  • Safety delineate dog play, provide seating and signage related to dog play
  • Explore creative solutions for trash collection
  • Develop unobtrusive infrastructure for events and solve amplified sound challenges
