
Economic Asphyxiation

What has become of our society?  Men with autoerotic addictions are cast to the gutter, forced to collect discarded hipster Viagra bottles to fuel their addictions.  We have a five-star cat hotel that sits next to homeless encampments.  The unemployment rate continues to rise while politicians grappling economic issues are banned from funerals.  The American income gap widens as more trendy restaurants open their doors on streets lined with people eating out of trash cans.  The city cuts park services while it gives tax breaks to billion dollar startups.  Politicians and greedy CEOs are literally choking the poor.

Anyway, gotta go, Mr. Willikers is ringing his bell again. Foot rub time.

Portrait Studio and Retro Camera Shop Coming Soon to Valencia

I have been walking past this storefront on Valencia and 23rd for the past few weeks curious as to what it was all about.  I was hoping that it would be a grade-school-esque photo studio with rapey space backdrops and and mullet wigs, but I figured that'd probably be too good to be true.  Lucky for us, Photobooth co-owner Vince wrote in to tell us about it:

Photobooth is the twisted dream of two local alternative photographers, myself (Vince Donovan) and Michael Shindler.    I've been wandering the Mission for years shooting portraits on the street and in bars with an old Polaroid camera.   Michael is a tintype artist.  He has been at the center of reviving the centuries-old tintype process and making it modern again.   One night over too many margaritas at the Latin American Club we decided we wanted our own shop where we could really introduce people to the fun of alternative photography.

So Photobooth is a portrait studio where anyone can walk in and get a portrait done instantly using one of these alt techniques.  We're going to have good music and good art on the walls, so it'll be a nice place to hang out.  Our gallery will be devoted exclusively to local photographers working in alternative techniques, so we'll be having lots of openings and events.

We'll also sell retro camera gear (refurbished Polaroid cameras) and film.  We'll be carrying the full Lomography line of alternative camera gear, as well as the new Polaroid film from The Impossible Project.

So, no promise of 80s backdrops, but their website indicates there will be some costumes and area homeless people for loan.

Help a brother out

TylerTyler, a broke-ass SFSU student, is currently in Spain and running out of funds.  His next stop is Poland, and he's going to be stuck there without some financial assistance.

In short, Tyler needs cash to continue his trek through Europe.  And he's asking you, dear reader, for help.

But he's willing to do a lot in return for your help: he'll get the tattoo of your choice, cut his hair however you like, or even write a song or story just for you.  How cool is that?

This video explains the details.

I conducted an e-mail interview with Tyler to get answers to some nagging questions.

Why are you going to Poland, and through Europe?

RyanAir (slightly questionable Euro budget airline) has cheap flights throughout the continent. I wanted to get to Berlin to see a friend, or Switzerland, and…they were out of my budget. Poland was the cheapest, so I figured I could fly there instead and hitchhike my way back, or something.

Why did you start out without enough cash to get back?

After a year of hard studying here, I wanted my last month to be spent putzing around the continent and having a good time. The no cash thing was sort of a personal limitation I set for myself—I've CouchSurfed and dumpster dived enough to know that travel's not really expensive, but I really am scraping my pennies on this one. Still, that's not stopping me!

Is this all some viral marketing thing?

Meh, not really. I am a writer, folk singer, rapper, etc, but the goal is really to get across the continent, not to promote any of my art (though if anyone sees my other videos and downloads my free CD, guess I'm not complaining!).

How much success have you had raising funds thus far?  What have you sold?

The donations are goin' alright! Just sold a romantic Skype date to this girl Rachel Zevita who almost won American Idol! Besides that, I'll be snapping a handful of pictures, writing limericks, doing one freestyle rap on public transit, writing a song. Oh yeah, and going naked for an hour! Ass tattoos still available…

Your hair seems awfully short. If I paid you to get a rainbow mohawk, how long would that take?

What's a rainbow mohawk? If that's about dyeing my hair, I'd do it if the cost of dye got covered! (Though I do have a song on my CD about how I found Poland to be homophobic, so…maybe the rainbow wouldn't fly there, haha!) I am willing to do stupid things like chopping off the middle so I look like an old man with a bald spot…


If you'd like to help out, there's more details on his website.

SF Startup 'Hipster' Now Hiring Tired Cliches

SOMA startup 'Hipster' (which as far as I can tell is a hyperlocal Quora meets Foursquare with a hyperlame name that keeps getting everyone's attention,) is now attempting to lure in potential employees with a cartoonish benefits package that's GUARANTEED to offend the sensibilities of our readers and decent folk alike.  This afternoon they sent out an email blast to “Fellow Hipsters” which poses the following question:

What do $10,000, a year’s worth of Pabst Blue Ribbon, and skinny jeans have in common? Well, if you refer someone that we end up hiring, you'll be receiving all of that and more…

The website contains the following jpg gem illustrating the package, complete with a horrifically ugly 'fixed gear bicycle' and 'mustache grooming services'(???)  I'm surprised they didn't also throw in a years worth of UBER car service to-and-from your totes alt Mission dive to their SOMA offices.

First they make Coachella a 2 weekend event, and now this?  Fuck it, I'm moving to Bernal, shitting out some kids and joining that Dad racing league thing.


Corporate Scraper Bikes All the Rage in Oakland

I have to say, this is a much finer-looking ride than that PBR fixie that was being sold on Craigslist a few weeks back.  Almost makes me want to drink boring sodas again.  Almost.

Anyway, this is part of a scraper bike series shot by Matthew Reamer.  Be sure to give the entire gallery a look.

[h/t Oakland Local Lite]

Is It Time For San Francisco to Enact a Tax on Empty Storefronts?

In response to the post about Modern Times not being allowed to renew their Valencia St. lease so the landlord could (presumably) find a higher-paying tenant, reader Jermey brought up the idea that we tax landlords who leave storefronts empty:

Does anyone know if the landlord has a new tenant lined up, or is it going to join the ranks of the empty storefronts on Valencia while the landlords hold out and wait for someone willing to pay outrageous rent?

I hope the Supervisors follow up on the City economist's suggestion to create a tax on vacant commercial properties to encourage landlords to lower the rents to where businesses that don't sell $100 meals or $500 jeans can afford to pay them.

Not a bad suggestion.  As anyone who has actually studied economics and isn't in the Tea Party can tell you, communities often levy a tax on negative externalities (e.g. we tax the sale of gasoline because it pollutes our air).  Since empty storefronts have a negative effect on SF (blight, reduced commerce, harder to start a small business), it would seem reasonable to enact a tax that discourages landlords to leave units empty and evict small businesses in favor of finding a higher-paying corporation to fill the space.  Then again, this would be blasted as anti-business by the developers of the city, so there will doubtfully be any political capital to make it happen.  Nice to dream though?

Now the Mission is Home to a Cat Hotel

SFist alerts us to the opening of a new cat hotel at 18th and Treat, Mission: Cats.  From their about page:

Mission: Cats offers a cat-only experience that ensures you come home to a happy, healthy kitty. With a powerful HEPA air filtration system clean air moves through our over 1200 sf space. Kitties are given purified water and kept well supplied with their favorite toys and treats. We never charge extra for playtime and cuddles. We house a small number of cats, enabling us to give each cat the attention and admiration it deserves. Our staff is certified in Pet First Aid and CPR through the American Red Cross. We are insured by Kennel Pro. We have a security cameras (and even better, kitty cams!), as well as a sprinkler system. We are located two blocks from the 24 hour San Francisco Veterinary Specialists.

This is truly magical. Air filtration, purified water, a security system, and free cuddles? For the bargain price of 25 bucks a night, these cats are living a better life than I do. Hell, they probably don't even have fleas.
