— By Kevin Montgomery (@kevinmonty) |
Paul is on the scene and reports “they're everything you've ever wanted and more.”
And here's a look at their menu:
Matzo brei! Babka! Challah French Toast! Let's go get fat!
— By Kevin Montgomery (@kevinmonty) |
Paul is on the scene and reports “they're everything you've ever wanted and more.”
And here's a look at their menu:
Matzo brei! Babka! Challah French Toast! Let's go get fat!
Comments (14)
SO going there soon. this looks amazing.
It would perhaps help if this post included the ADDRESS.
Way to shill.
They ran out of Potato salad this afternoon, so I had to have cole slaw. (They didn’t try and upsell me to fries, maybe they were all out of potatoes period?
$12.50 for a pastrami on rye!
wow…$13 for what is historically European poverty food
Way, way, way overpriced! I bet all the transplant Google and FB kooks will pay for this shit though.
Does that dude have dreads? If so, I’m not going there.
Bagel’s only on Saturday’s? Hmmmm, That 20$ table setting in the picture shoulda cost around 10 bucks. But hey, it’s the marinission these days and most from the marina can pay that extra dough. Fuck em.
I refuse to pay less than $18 for a sandwich.
Didn’t you know KevMo can pick and chose which spots are the yuppie marina types ruining his mission.
After three years of living here he knows the ins and outs of all it means to be a local.
He might not have a connection, but he has no problem getting the perks of giving them virtual HJ. Here is their menu.
Ok Herr and Eric defend your internet bromance.
The final solution to your hunger.
Still holding out for the Mission to get an “Anne’s Franks” wiener stand.
I thought the joke was that Jews were cheap.