This is What Evicting a Business Looks Like

Earlier this morning, two Sheriff's Department squad cars rolled up to 24th and Folsom, a bunch of officers piled onto the street, stared longingly at the vegan blueberry donuts at Philz, and proceeded to supervise the eviction of the Purple Haze Smoke Shop.  Admittedly, I didn't stop to ask what was going on because there was a circular saw in play, but it's worth noting that this is the third business evicted from this corner in the last few months (the other two being Gunz & Bunz/Mike's Deli and the liquor store on the corner, which were both evicted back in November).

Anyone know what's up?

Comments (14)

That dude should be wearing goggles when using an angle-grinder (not circular saw, btw).


Those dudes cleared that place out last week. There’s nothing in there but some broken shelving arms.

They apparently owed the landlord back rent for something like 6 months…

3 empty storefronts in a row? how bout a dance party space?

Summit 2.0 (kidding - like 24th needs more coffee)

the rents too damn high!

And book stores. We got a book store a few weeks ago.

I’m pretty sure all three businesses, the liquor store, the sandwich shop, and the head shop were all owned by the same family. I walk by the corner everyday and they were never doing any business.

Isn’t this the infamous 24th St/Mission landlord that I’ve heard so much about? I forget his name, but there is supposedly a blog dedicated to his awfulness.

It’s a coffee shop. Cant say which one yet..but it’s coming

Maybe it’ll be another weird bird shop. Whats up with that weird bird shop anyway?

The landlord is Jim Khorge. Here is a blog dedicated to his bad landlord behavior:

I don’t know the blog author, but I’ve had multiple friends who have lived in his buildings and had incredibly bad experiences…..not returning security deposits, sabotaging his own building to force tenants out and countless other stories. Apparently, he inherited tons of Mission property from his father.

Jim Khorge and his family own that entire corner building including the apartments upstairs where I used to live. He told me he was trying to get them evicted because they didn’t pay rent. While I found Jim to be a very sketchy character, living above those 3 businesses owned by the same family (purple haze, the deli, corner liquor store) I also found that they where not the nicest people. I observed one of the younger sons verbally assaulting delivery people and passer bys on more than one occasion. They didn’t seem very respectful. I’m glad they’re gone.

Leave the Khorges alone. I served in the Military with one of them. They are decent hard working people. If you note, all the blog comments were about them working, fixing things up and being providers. See the world in a more positive way. Those that want something for nothing are usually the ones making complaint type comments.

DONT BE A HATER BE A DOER and get something positively done in your lives.