— By Brizz |
Hater Tuesday is a blog that makes no pretenses. It is not trying to be your friend. It is not trying to support your scene. It is, without a doubt, an unstoppable force of hate and comedy that has been keeping it real since at least 2004, and apparently even a few years before that. Back when no one had even heard of Dolores Park. I don’t even think they’d built it yet. I bring it to your attention now because Funky Bitch has unleashed her hate on us this week and it’s fucking hilarious. I’m just disappointed my personal blog didn’t receive a link in the venom, as I’m guilty of much of the stuff she calls out in her latest entry:
The Mission: Listen, I like burritos* and cholos as much as the next gal but enough with the fucking Mission blogotumblrfashionogrampahers already. We are officially at capacity people.
1. Photos of handwritten signage: You think you’re the first asshole to notice shitty grammar on a store front sign? Give an immigrant a break you fucking dick. No, it’s not worthy of a blog post.
8. Fashion: No more pictures of dirtheads in cut offs, flannel and dirty, err vintage shoes, please.
Past targets have included: Uppity Pregnant Women, Balloons with Words on Them, Fake Pigeon-Toed Hipster Hoes, and, of course, Pussy Triangles (“My pussy does not need a strapless eye patch”).
Comments (9)
Kevin Montgomery | [Permalink]
Damn, I was about to post this. This is by far the biggest serving of hate I’ve ever received that isn’t just lame internet trolling. Hats off, hater.
Kate Horton | [Permalink]
Hater Tuesday is officially my favorite day of the week.
Anonymous Internet Commenter, Enjoys Sex With Animals | [Permalink]
Maybe you hadn’t heard of Dolores Park before y2k, but it was a hangout for the hipsters that came before you. Been going to Dolores since the mid-90s. Holla. Jus sayin.
SergDun | [Permalink]
wow you’re a smart one
Brizz | [Permalink]
I still haven’t heard of Dolores Park.
Laura B | [Permalink]
oh this slut again.
really? this blog is funny? can anyone except her friends confirm that? also annoying - she hates on “complaining” vegans that mission blogs employ in the post and i’m not sure what she’s talking about. there ain’t no vegans on “staff” at any of the blogs she linked to except for this one. if you’re gonna make it personal then bitch, make it personal. shit.
my own issues aside, the name is funny but the content is mediocre/tired/everything it purports to make fun of. Actually, I think she would fit in great with the mission blogging crowd. Hey Kevin! See if it wants to write for UA! we could use a correspondent for wherever the fuck she lives!
Anonymous Internet Commenter, Enjoys Sex With Animals | [Permalink]
yep, this slut again.
yep. i hate complaining vegans. if you want to throw yourself in there and identify with that go for it. wasn’t meant to be personal. if i wanted to start something personal, trust me you’d know. lots of people can confirm i’m funny including but not limited to my friends and thousands of people who’ve visited my site(s) for the last 7 fucking years. i even got linked on MSNBC once because my quips about Harry Potter were so on point, but comedy is subjective, so if it doesn’t tickle your vegan intellect that’s fine. most of my comedy is pork based.
hoodrat | [Permalink]
I love pork-based comedy the best.
Mai Le | [Permalink]
Thanks for the increase in page views and rss subscribers Hater Tuesdays. Also, some of those links to shoes weren’t in the Mission - one was definitely in Hayes Valley and the other in Mint Plaza. Also, those 2 dudes were in Mint Plaza. So is it that you hate SF fashion? That’s okay, but, you know, want the hate to be correctly directed and umm, just checking…