— By Kevin Montgomery (@kevinmonty) |
Earlier this week, there was some concern that the “mob of folks” that smashed up a red truck during a York St. raid to retrieve stolen bike parts got the wrong truck. Luckily an anonymous neighbor has some snaps to help clear up any future confusion:
here's some pics of his bobby, his truck with black cap, his license plate and some shithead who probably helps him steal this shit.
one of his neighbors does have the exact same truck but no cap on it. He's a nice guy and does not steal bikes or sell stolen property.
Comments (19)
Nice truck··········…………···········
Looks like Bobby and his pal need to lay off eating the bike parts.
can we strap a bomb to a bike and then detonate it when he steals it? That would be cool.
Or just set up a honeybike which will stun thieves with tasers: http://www.instructables.com/id/How-To-End-Bike-Theft-The-Honeybike-Proj…
Totally, there’s nothing that could possibly go wrong with setting up what is essentially a non-lethal EID attached to a bike on a public street.
Sounds legit to me…
It was the wrong truck. Bobby drove by like an hour later. His camper doesn’t fit his truck, but the truck that the wheel was retreived from had a camper that fit. Also, the owner of the truck seemed dismayed that his windshield was busted but insisted on not calling the cops. We can speculate on why that could be, but the bottom line is that that was not his truck.
the truck with the wheel in it was the truck that drove by and stole the wheel, you can speculate all you want, but that is his father’s truck
Actually, no. This comment is only my second. Someone else who knows the neighborhood posted originally.
You can speculate all YOU want on how the bike wheel got back there. The bottom line is that that trucks is not Bobby’s.
I don’t really understand why it’s important whose truck it was. A bike wheel was stolen, and it appeared in this truck. Presumably it was locked in there. I’m of the opinion that a drunken mob taking the law into their own hands is not a good thing for the community, but it does seem as though the victim of the theft got his wheel back, right? So why this fixation on whose truck it was?
You keep saying that, and yet you have no explanation for how wheel was stolen by guy in Red Truck 1, and then later found a Red Truck that you insist was not Red Truck 1, just an identical Red Truck. Was this some elaborate set-up attempt by Bobby to get some neighbor’s truck busted up? That seems pretty unlikely.
I’m saying nothing other than that truck is not his.
Those mid 90’s Toyota trucks are easy to steal. I’m not condoning or suggesting, but maybe karma steps in a Bobby loses his truck?
somebody is going to get shot….with a gun. seriously.
Oh, and the guy who’s windshield was fucked up has a Nissan. Not a Toyota like Bobby.
So was the wheel found in the truck which got fucked up, or wasn’t it?
If we all know who this fuck is, why not just get a large group of folks with bats to beat the shit out of him when he steals a bike? The cops will do sweet fuck all about it. shit the supervisor from that area is probably ready to pass a resolution praising him
There are THREE maroon pick-ups on that end of the block.
1. Bobby - toyota w/ill-fitting black cap
2. Neighbor 1 - toyota w/no cap
3. Neighbor 2 - nissan w/proper black cap
From what everyone has told me, they heard a ruckus and saw people outside of Bobby’s. There was a commotion and a bike wheel was retrieved. Then people dispersed but then returned and smashed the windshield of the wrong truck.
I did not witness this first-hand but the same story has been reiterated to me several times by neighbors.
Thanks, that finally clarifies the situation - so after the wheel was taken back, some drunk asshole smashed the window of the wrong truck, but that happened after the wheel had been retrieved, and the window wasn’t smashed in order to get the wheel.