— By Kevin Montgomery (@kevinmonty) |
I've never been to Portland, anyone want to road trip? Also, I was just hipped to Brenton Salo's photostream (pictured above) and it's worth checking out.
— By Kevin Montgomery (@kevinmonty) |
I've never been to Portland, anyone want to road trip? Also, I was just hipped to Brenton Salo's photostream (pictured above) and it's worth checking out.
Comments (7)
Henri! | [Permalink]
PDX is great for all things bike culture.
Hit up Bend on the way for some great mountain biking, some of the best I have found for fast rolling singletrack and beer at Dechutes.
troymccluresf | [Permalink]
PDX is great for all things.
Mattymatt | [Permalink]
Yes. For definite. I’ve been looking at Portland as a reasonably-priced SF alternative and I’m having trouble thinking of reasons not to move there.
Mattymatt | [Permalink]
Oh and I don’t make a habit of reading the Guardian but did you see this? http://www.sfbg.com/pixel_vision/2010/08/30/portlands-macro-brewfest-che…
Waitwhatseriously? | [Permalink]
I’ll receive that air-catchin shipment.
friscolex | [Permalink]
Was there yesterday (thank you, amazingly delish Stumptown coffee, for keeping me awake all day!) on the tail end of a PNW vacay and loved the creative saddlebags/racks/pannier systems (felt a bit less dorky with my Jandd pannier) but wasn’t impressed by the pretty low rates of helmet-wearing…
everydaydude | [Permalink]
Oregon didn’t launch an anti-tourism campaign for nothing. They didn’t want people coming there, discovering how rad it is.