— By Alissa |

This really cuts me to my core
Our pals over at Mission Mission posted this picture of a broken fork last week and we thought it was just too upsetting not to share. We felt the need to repost this for a couple of reasons. First of all, Mission Beach Cafe is goddamn delicious, so we can only imagine the crushing disappointment of a fork breaking mid-meal. Just imagine it - one minute you're standing there shoveling food into your maw and then the next minute, SNAP! Your flimsy environmentally-friendly potato fork has done gone broken in half. What trauma! What grief! How do you even proceed? Look how runny those delicious breakfast eggs are. You can't very well pick up runny yolks with your hands and eat them. You're not an animal! I guess you could try to find another fork, but who even has time for that business when your hot delicious breakfast is cooling before your very eyes? Besides, a metal fork would probably poke straight through the bottom of your yolk-soaked container. And a knife? Forget it.
We hesitated to reach out to your Mission Mission authors for fear of renewing the trauma of a broken fork. It must be hard enough to get over something like that to begin with, without a bunch of bloggers calling you for comment. In any case, we thank Mission Mission for bringing this critical neighborhood news to our attention. View the harrowing details of the original post here.
Comments (11)
Crisis builds character.
Mission Mission? Consume Consume.
Commission Commission.
Nothing to say…so reblog.
Oh wait, aren’t yall against the shift happening in your hood. So Mission Beach gets a pass?
Got it. Just trying to keep up with who UA deems ok, and who they deem ruining their neighborhood.
I’ma say this was sarcasm directed towards MM and not a plug for Mission Beach. Or am I missing something?
It’s not a broken fork, it’s three broken forks. Also that pic, like most other images of pre-bolus that pollute the shittie, sorry “foodie” Internet, is effing disgusting. Lastly, your explanations for the re-post explain nothing, much less justify it. If you saw an opportunity for humor, I’m happy for you but please be aware you did nothing to share that vision with the rest of us. Good grief! (I mean, that’s how it’s spelled: “grief”).
Almost reminds me of the horror of that time Benders served you fries instead of tots.
That was a world class “me first world problem”
uh so missionmission dear mom marketers are seriously over here trolling???
I refuse to acknowledge Mission Mission.