— By Alissa |
Further proof that the rents are too damn high, you guys! These days even your local neighborhood yoga teacher dude can't even afford a brick and mortar location for his practices! What you're looking at here is a self-proclaimed Yoga Riot, which you can now find in Dolores Park on Saturday mornings.

“Hey guys, I tricked all these people into thinking they're exercising!”
Kudos to these folks for remembering to bring their $45 “yoga mats” (aka flaps of recycled plastic) to protect their bums from the residual urine and malt liquor that fertilizes the grasses of Dolo. But what is this, synchronized sunbathing? They're doing what we do at Dolores every weekend, only they're doing it on colorful little squares, and way earlier in the morning. Any time the SFPD wants to crack down on these public displays of “inner zen” or whatever is fine with me.
Comments (11)
ooooooooh, gurl! sounds like your “inner zen” needs some serious synchronized sunbathing. unless that whole bitter/cynical elitist thing is really working for you.
$45? try $12. if it’s before you get up, and they don’t leave any trash, what’s your beef? that instructor is really cool too.
this is a really rad donation based yoga class. for anyone who gets a headache at the thought of paying 18 bucks for a a class, this is the place to be. dolores park = no overhead = more accessible yoga classes for people who can’t normally afford them. me included.
shit,we gonna bring our PBR and be all set for the day ahead after some good yoga.
This class fucking rules! It’s helped me get over a broken leg without spending on a traditional studio class. What is the author doing in the park this early anyhow. Aren’t you worn out from PBR and ping pong? Take your uptight attitude back to Burlingame.
Alissa, you are dumb.
Alissa, your post makes you sound like a douchebag. Dave is awesome. If you really consider yourself a writer, you would’ve done your research, and found he teaches all over the city and chooses to do FREE yoga in the park on sunny days. WELCOME TO CALIFORNIA!!! Rent is up because gentrification in SF is out of control. The hipsters who infiltrate “Dolo” display debauchery, not zen. Maybe you should do us all a favor, take a class and work on some of your inner-negativity.
Alissa, dont worry about all these “inner zen” haters. Your pretty outer zen in our book and thats great.
Wow. I’m not sure what Alissa’s objective was for writing this post. This sort of negativity is not welcome in my neighborhood. I’d like to see more Dave Fords and less Alissas in Dolores Park.
Apparently achieving a zen balance involves cleansing one’s self of the ability to detect sarcasm and satire.
I find it ironic that pro yoga people are getting bent out of shape. Zen my as.