— By Kevin Montgomery (@kevinmonty) |
The laughing at the end of the video suggests this was some sort of April Fools' prank, although the video was uploaded to the You Tubes on March 31st. No matter; the fact that a bunch of fancy coffee drinkers will literally just stand around as a bunch of dapper white dudes sporting ski masks climb a ladder and lift a dead beast of the wall, waiting for a barista to get involved, pretty much screams “open season on coffee shop artwork” amirite?
[h/t Mission Local]
Comments (10)
Terrible video quality, but if my deep squinting is correct the two guys hugging at the end of the video are the “thief” and Four Barrel owner Jeremy Tooker.
Just confirmed that this was, in fact, an early April 1st prank.
pretty sure the man hugging jeremy at the end is the owner of amnesia. The two are good friends
Silly little hipster white kids and their silly little raindeer games.
Who ever filmed this was in on it. How else would they know to start their camera just as the white walkers were entering.
Isn’t the “thief” the owner of Amnesia? Also a close friend of the Four Barrel owner? Nicely played prank.
This would’ve been a great opportunity to see what happens when you pull a ladder out from under someone doing a dumbassed prank.
Yeah it was some sorta prank, sad thing is no one knew and Brett and Justin got a lil banged up trying to stop the “heist”….pretty luckey no one hit them with bike lock or shank…
I’m tired of living in a Wes Anderson movie