— By Kevin Montgomery (@kevinmonty) |
I’ve been receiving some flack for calling the Mr. Mission Competition (which also happens to be a fundraiser for the respectable Leukemia Lymphoma Society) “obnoxious.” The argument, as it has been argued, is that it’s a fundraiser for cancer research, so the organizers deserve a pass no matter how lame of an idea it might be. CLASH SF’s illustrator, Stacey Toth, even went so far as to draw up a lovely illustration depicting me as a monkey under the headline “People Like to be Mean.”
And maybe they’re right. Maybe an awkward, highly-suspect competition run by bros and burners and marketing types deserves that pass because it’s raising money for a good cause. And if my criticism was in any way interpreted as discouraging people from donating to cancer research, I offer my sincerest apologies.
However, when the promoters essentially call people ‘faggots’ for criticizing them, it gives me pause. Are these people really noble do-gooders hoping to rid the world of cancer, one questionable event at the time? Or are they just out-of-touch, backwards-thinking homophobic pricks capitalizing on a culture for self-promotion?
I’ll leave you to be the judge of that.
Comments (18)
Hopefully they can whoever’s in charge of the tweets, at least.
These people really miss their fraternities/sororities….
hmmmm…. faggot is a very loaded word- and they didn’t say that at. they implied you might be gay. that’s not very cool of them, but “faggot” seems to be upping the ante and making them sound hateful.
Sorry, but THEY made themselves sound hateful.
Agreed that “faggot” was never used and ups the ante, but that Tweet was clearly (1) calling you gay and (2) intending that to be an insult. COMPLETELY unacceptable. How about we all openly mock the Mr. Mission contest while simultaneously donating a few bucks to cancer research? Everybody wins.
Also: A cartoon characterizing you as a monkey? Seriously? Did they just discover the Internet yesterday? “MOOOOOM! SOMEONE WAS MEAN TO ME ON THE INTERNETS!!!”
mmmmmm … internet beef. Mighty tasty
Gosh, if they read this blog regularly, they’d already know what they could expect from you, then they wouldn’t waste their time.
Using “faggot” in quotes as if quoting from a source when that word wasn’t used at all is pretty bogus.
Come on folk.
You know Kevin is an asshole. He acts like he hates everything…so he can criticize anything he deems not cool, and not be held accountable.
We also know he changes things to make himself look better. Using the term “faggot” for example. Or, making up stories about someone pissing themselves on BART. When he gets called out he acts like a 3rd grader and makes excuses.
Watch his video…this guy is a east coast tech nerd transplant who fancies himself a hipster now. After living here for 4 years he knows all there is to know about San Francisco. Tecate is cool. Fixies are cool. Benders is cool. Cancun is cool. He made all this stuff hell cool.
Keep rolling Kevin.
I’m not usually on KevMo’s side, but I kinda am on this one.
And a pattern begins to emerge… https://www.facebook.com/ClashScavengerHunts/posts/306661526063828
Remember all those times you were out drinking on the weekend, and some large group of obnoxious shit-faced kids stumbled by you wearing oversized Chevy's sombreros with their North Face jackets? Or the kind of ironic fake mustaches that you thought were kinda funny back in 2008? The kind of kids that will ask you if you can take BART back to Polk St before vomiting on your shoes and demanding that the bartender play LMFAO's greatest hits?
That was CLASH busing their clients in to soak up the 'culture' of our neighborhood, which can apparently be boiled down to sombreros and
ironiccliche mustaches.So there you go, CLASH has the Mission all figured out. Just get a white kid dressed up like Speedy Gonzalez with a Victorian era mustache, and he'll be crowned MR MISSION.
Man, I really don’t like them, almost as much as cancer.
I like that immediately after making (paraphrasing) calling Kevin gay as put-down, they announced that the founder of twitter/square is nominated for Mr. Mission – because that dude is ALWAYS in Dolo shotgunning PBR’s from cold beer/cold water and hitting up Cancun after trying to freak girls at double-dutch.
I’m sorry, but I’m totally against these people, cancer benefit or not. I don’t wear a yellow bracelet to let people know I’m against ball cancer either, so sue me.
Wow… Kevin Montgomery might be an outspoken twat, but these ‘Clash’ folk really take the cake for biggest assholes here. You’re going to parade your roving band of losers through San Francisco but resort to a homophobic high school jock insult the instant you’re called on your bullshit? In fucking SF? Fuck everyone associated with Clash, as well as their stupid competitions and definitely their bullshit “raising awareness of cancer.” Really taking a chance with that one, guys, kudos…. Everybody already knows that cancer fucking sucks, and it’s disingenous to posture that you’re “raising awareness” as if claiming that cause gives you cart blanche to be precisely what you are: OBNOXIOUS IDOTS!! You are the cancer that is killing SF. How’s that for irony, ‘fags’?
“La Mission just got a little shadier”. Fuck everything about that company.
“You’re a bad person because you said a mean thing about someone fundraising for a cancer charity”.
Statements like this are the intellectual reason we can’t have a reasonable & informed debate about cancer, disease, health care and medical research in the USA.
I’m going to go out on a limb here and state the “obvious” that anyone who has worked in fundraising or works in non-profits knows:
Fundraising for LLS is not fighting cancer - it is gathering more names for their enormous database for fundraising for the LLS. For every dollar raised 20cents is spent on paying consultants to do more fundraising. That’s about $25Million a year for LLS.
I know you have to spend money to make money but for an event called “Mr. Mission” surely they could have found a non-profit based in the Mission that directly benefits the Mission?
- Cancer survivor.