— By Kevin Montgomery (@kevinmonty) |
After 'terrorizing' a two block radius around 19th and Guerrero for the last few months, the nameless, character-driven graffiti artist (whose work has been celebrated multiple times on this very blog, as well as SFist) was busted by SFPD. And how? Because dude skipped freshman orientation over at Krylon Kollege and never got the message that you don't do this shit in the middle of the day, especially around the likes of Dolores Park.
Anyway, I'm not one to snitch on a guy for spraying a little birdie and bunny on a wall, but the video by neighbor “SF Mission Protector” is of such low quality that you could never make out the details of the dude's face. So crank up that N.W.A. record, pop some popcorn, and give this 10 minute vid a skim:
Comments (23)
I have mixed feelings on this. My first reaction is of course “FUCK THE PO-LICE. WHY YOU SNITCHIN’ BITCH?” upon review of the of the video and listening to the real bitch’s whiney ass pleas and claims of not being a criminal my feelings change. It would actually make a difference to me if he only painted quality work and never just littered the town up with chicken shit tags. The fact that he does in fact engage in the chicken shit tags leaves much less sympathy in me, and really when I see the “This is my therapy” shit I’m sold - You are in fact just a bay area native brat with no fuckin problems and too much time on your hands. Have at it SFPD.
Neighbor, you’re still a douche.
It’s a good thing they had 8 cops and 3 patrol cars to handle this kid.
Street art is sometimes valid, but this guy mostly does lame tags. Tagging a tree is not cool. And the way he hung out„ lounged around the site, reacted to the guy banging on the window- unclear on the concept. I’m okay with him getting busted.
Why is the neighbor a douche? This is how society is suppose to work. Law-abiding citizens alert the police to crime in progress and document it so that convictions will take place. If you don’t like the laws, change them.
thank you to the neighbor/videotaper. i live in the neighborhood and this guy was tagging dumb, bratty shit on people’s homes. calling the cops isn’t always the best option, but the neighbor first gave the guy a few warnings that someone could see him tagging IN THE MIDDLE OF THE DAY.
This is so satisfying. Some of this clown’s art was just red paint smeared across multiple buildings. And he tagged Pay N Save. Not cool.
No no, I’m with you guys. Calling the police was fine. Its more the “SFMISSIONPROTECTOR73” YouTube handle and the janky title commentary and iPhone video that tip toes into douche territory.
Love his high-pitched squeal as he gets essentially kid glove treatment from SFPD during aprehension for criminal trespass/vandalizing. Well done.
Is there anything linking this kid to the other tags? The rabbit character was already there when he showed up, and I don’t see the doob tag being thrown. Looks kind of like he heard about a spot and is getting blamed for the deeds of whoever hit it earlier.
punk ass bitch. throw this kid in the clink. at least, give him a couple hundred hours of community service, to be spent paiting over tags.
maybe he’ll think twice next time.
hahaha seriously people??? he got caught, after the neighbor let it be known that someone was watching him. he was really asking for it, let’s not kid ourselves. police state? the neighbor was filming with an iphone. as a writer i actually found this to be hilarious. the toys weed themselves out…
I wonder how many times SF MISSION PROTECTOR has hidden under his sheets when there’s a drug deal or violent gang activity going on outside. Kid deserved to get arrested, but anyone who calls themselves MISSION PROTECTOR while dropping dimes on non-threatening teenagers who wave hello, and then brags about it on the internet is still a pompous ass.
Seems like a nice kid. I like it when the popo lifts him over the fence.
Sometimes seemingly innocent ignorance needs to be celebrated. You know, like when you were a kid and thought you were cool as shit or inspired. It’s a nice psychosis.
I posted this on MM so sorry for cross-posting here:
We have to paint Pop’s EVERY week inside and out. The fines from the city are one thing but it also has other implications — like independent insurance assessors that report tags as evidence of a criminal element in the area and report that back to the insurance company so our rates go up.
That’s hundreds of dollars a month to clean-up after taggers and, so far, we haven’t passed that cost on to our customers.
It’s really frustrating coming in every week and seeing the same douchebag tags. I know they think it’s a funny little game but is writing your name in the bathroom really that important?
That’s why I find it frustrating when blogs like this promote tagging. It’s not a victimless crime.
Seriously, hundreds of dollars a month?!
How about setting the tone by putting something nice in the bathroom, like say a taxidermy kitten head or something?
I wonder if it would make sense to hire someone to watch a couple of nights and try to catch a vandal in the act. Seems like just continuing the cycle is more costly than trying to discourage it somehow.
getting up on a wall in the middle of the day is really fun though. I did some throw ups in phx during rush hour traffic, people honked and yelled but I just kept smiling.
Yeah, but you’re a bad person.
Good job on catching the vandal.
His tagging sucked.
FRUITVALE will be the next mission. MARK my words.
Ha Ha Ha! This made my week. FUCK that asshole. How many thousands of dollars have people of the neighborhood had to waste painting over or sandblasting his incredibly lame shit off their houses? How is smearing brown paint on someone’s house with your hands art?
I think this guy is back and tagged the south sidewalk along 18th between South Van Ness and Folsom. FWIW.