Mission District

In Dog We Trust

I walked around all the alleys in the Mission yesterday, which is something you'd think a Mission resident would do more than once a year but sadly isn't, and saw this divine (sorry) garage door for the first time.  Not idea if mushrooms were behind this one, but I wouldn't doubt it (via ??!??!????).

Poplar at 26th.

Piles of Old Newspapers For Sale at Viracocha

Viracocha, that antique shop for cool kids on Valencia at 20th, has a stack of Bay Area newspapers from the 1920s and '40s for ten bucks each.  As you can imagine, the papers are an incredible read:

  • “Holdup on Market Street!”
  • The Board of Sups debate removing the rails from Market Street (2010 cyclists would be grateful).
  • 14-year-old girl shoots “her boyish admirer after a quarrel.”
  • “Don't do it!” was cited, in bold, as a “reason to live” given to a would-be suicide jumper.

Anyway, while digging through articles about killing Nazis and sunny weather, I came across this gem upon the front page of the April 20th, 1922 edition of The Bulletin:

Go while the gettin's good.

KQED's Spark! Explores Mission Murals

Do yourself and watch the short documentary on Mission art embedded below.  I won't spoil too much of the short, but it's a great survey of Mission art, covering the “Urban Rats” of the 1980s, the repeated destruction of the Rachel Corrie segment of the 22nd activist tribute mural, the effects of gentrification (what piece on the Mission would be complete without that?!), Precita Eyes, and various alleys.  For the folks who hate the Marina/white people, one UC Santa Cruz professor even takes a big, steamy dump on both caucasians and the Marina, slamming “wealthy white people,” as they lack “cultural legacies.”  Ohhhh shit.

Update: Apparently this originally aired in May, but it's new to me.

Cheap Beer!: Still Broke As Fuck #2

During the first edition of Broke-Ass Stuart's STILL BROKE AS FUCK party, I ended up getting way to drunk while playing Connect Four (I kept losing), pinball (I kept losing), and awesomeness (I definitely lost this).    The point? It was a wicked good time.  Plus, with the addition of free toasted PB&Js, no one is going to have to spend six bucks on a veggie burrito from La Altena at 12:15am.

Tomorrow.  9:30pm.  Doc's Clock.  I'll be the drunk guy wearing a decaying panther tshirt who's spilling a PBR on the floor while trying to wrap his mind around the mental labyrinthine that is Connect Four.  Can't wait to see you there!

Freedminds Show

Thefreedminds makes some clothes I like and they are having a party this friday that should be pretty cool. Unfortunately word is that the Odd Future collective will not be in attendance which sucks since I missed them when they were at thee parkside last spring but fuck it. ten bucks at the door I believe. 

Free Black Lips & Thee Oh Sees Show Courtesy of Mediocre Booze

Sailor Jerry Rum may be embarrassingly desperate is in its attempt to spin its Jersey Shore image into a hipster/punk one, but you have to at least give them credit for bringing a rad show to the Mezzanine of the Mission.  That's right, the show isn't at the fictitious “SF Works” that the flyer mentions but rather at Public Works, the extremely fun venue on the northern end of the Mission that supposedly doubles as an art space during the day (although the surprisingly boring interior would suggest that an artist has never set foot in there).

Anyway, if you want to see this show, you have to sign up for Sailor Jerry's email list.  So, there's your catch.

(Thanks Meghan!)

200 Yards at Dirty Thieves

I Know Alyssa Jones, a blog that features more vulgarity and references to genitalia than Serg or I could ever muster, luckily was able to cover the opening of 200 Yards:

Since some people were confused about why the show was called ’200 Yards’, let me ‘splain it to ya.

Lightbox [the show promoter] chooses a center point, somewhere in the city, and you are only allowed to shoot within 200 yards of that center point. The center point for this show was the bar Dirty Thieves. There, you’ve been schooled. I wish I had taken more photos of the show, but it was dark as fuck, because bars are dark…in case you didn’t know

The show goes on until Dec 10th, so you have plenty of time to get stupid drunk off of PBR tallcans and top-shelf bourbon while looking at pictures that aren't being hotlinked from flickr.

