Rec. & Park Wants to Turn Dolores Park Decision Making Process Over to Local McNimbydouche

I left last night's cry about vendors being permitted to operate in Dolores Park early because it was nothing but a session for activist organizations and City Hall to kiss each other's ass, but it looks like I missed the good stuff.  From Mission Loc@l:

Oct 7th will bring a hearing for a new procedure, he [Ed. Note: I don't know who “he” is, but I believe it do be Nicholas Kinsey, assistant director of concessions management] said. It will include ”a community meeting for every issue having to do with this park. Every major event. Every concession contemplated. We will have a selection panel for the park and and invite a community member to sit in. An unbiased community member. We will have a selection panel to come back and present the results to the community.”

They are seriously considering holding a meeting for every event permit?  Luckily no one who lives near Potrero del Sol gives a shit about 'their' park.

Comments (2)

What does that mean?

It will include ”a community meeting for every issue having to do with this park. Every major event. Every concession contemplated. We will have a selection panel for the park and and invite a community member to sit in. An unbiased community member. We will have a selection panel to come back and present the results to the community.”

This blog’s right bring up a good point in his title to this post because it does sound like that Phil Ginsburg and Rec and Park are going to select one person to have dictatorial powers, and call it a community meeting when he comes back and announces his decree to the peons.

Oh god no. More “community” meetings? Why bother?

If these issues are so contentious, couldn’t we just bring it to a vote?