Romance & Sex

Site By "Hipsters" Makes Fun of "Hipsters"... I think?

Hipster Wife Hunting? I thought that was Vice? Okay, whatever.

I don’t really know what’s happening on this site, to tell you the truth. I just wanted to post it before anyone else. Blogging 3.0 people, my posts are the wave of the motherfucking future. And really, can you explain the site to me? Fuck it, I don’t care. 

Apparently Furries Get Married Too

Considering that I spend most of my Valentine’s Days with a fifth of Jack and a hangover, I wouldn’t label myself as an authority on romance.  That said, there was a pair of furries getting hitched in Dolores Park yesterday and it was the most goddamn romantic thing I’ve ever seen while holding 24 ounces of Budweiser.  It went something like this: there was a bunch of people dressed as chickens, bunnies, a rabbi, a dude in a wedding dress, devils, and human beings standing around until a panda was led into the park while a dinosaur wielding a bullhorn followed.  Whatever, just another day in Dolores Park.  Next thing I know they are standing on the median on Dolores, the rabbi says some words, then the bride tackles the pandas and they start rolling around the grass kissing.  Traditional marriage.

Wicked Romantic

The shy girl that farted in the library - m4w - 24 (mission district)

You farted in the library and kicked a chair to distract anyone from knowing that you farted. I was sitting behind you with a group of friends. They heard and smelled the fart. I covered for you and told them it was me.

Let’s have coffee sometime :)

Via Jane.

Uptown Critic: The Most Ludicrous Music Video I've Ever Watched

Got an email from Allan:

I want to know what the Uptown Almanac has to say about THIS:

Here’s the thing: this video is so laced with sexuality, Lady Gaga impersonators, and 80’s pornography-film music that it is very hard for a mere mortal to evaluate.  Thankfully, I majored in alcohol consumption and premarital sex in college, so I’ll give this a once over.

Truthfully, I don’t know immediately what brand of journey I am about to embark on.  The opening features dogs barking, shaky camera work, and some tranny running through the woods.  Zombie films are pretty hot these days and the fact I am watching one on Vimeo will less than 300 views made me feel bleeding edge until…

…some relatively ‘cool music’ begins playing and a fairly faggy (no no, it’s okay.  I live in San Francisco.  It’s my word too) child actor comes crawling through the thicket to ‘take his hipster princess.’  Now it’s becoming evident that I’m about to experience a “bold experiment in art bridging the mediums of fashion, music, film, and expensive catering.”

As previously mentioned, Lady Gaga smokes some crack rocks and joins the cast.

The video then proceeds to give us a gratuitous shot of an aardvark tattoo, leaving the audience to ponder “What’s below of that tramp stamp?”  The answer, unbeknownst to most, is scabies.

Suddenly, a second man joins the cast and there is mad cantaloupe on the scene.  Also, this chick had a period all over her own face, which pretty much indicates she can contort her body in wonderful ways and make getting the clap into an “alright” experience.

At this point, I’m starting to shed the hate and get impressed.  Last time I was dry humping an ambiguously-gendered person and I got a little hungry, I ate a couple of double-stuffed Oreos and had some flat grape soda.  But Christ, this is an orgy of fruit and animal carcasses.  Go on…

Now people are finger-fucking the food.  I know very little about the female anatomy because I figure if “bitch gets pregnant, I always have a can of Raid and a baseball bat.”  But I’m reminded of what the great philosopher Snoop Doggy Dogg had to say about intercourse: “used to be up in them guts like everyday.”  Based on this astute analysis of the female genitalia, one can only assume that this is a metaphor for the 48 seconds of intercourse they are about to have.

Abruptly the journey has concluded with some shots of unwieldy fingernails.  We witnessed no penetration and I am left with a penis ascending into my lower abdomen in fear.

Ordinarily, this is where one would compose a synopsis of what just occurred, but I would prefer to leave you with this: “Filmed in London and Los Angeles.”  lol wut?

Going on a Date With a Vegan Girl From the Marina [VIDEO]

I generally refuse to blog about my actual relationships for various ethical reasons, but this particular date was so epically bad, lasted less than an hour, and told me pretty much everything I needed to know about Marina girls.  Plus the statute of limitations is up on this one.  In reality, I was skeptical from the get-go (the Marina), but I hold a special place in my heart for vegan girls so I figured “why the fuck not.”

While I could not capture everything that made this the most painful 55 minutes I’ve endured since moving to San Francisco, just be comforted knowing that I left out the scene when she grilled the guy taking the order about his certainty surrounding all the food being vegan (“We specifically put egg in everything vegan,” he replied, fucking with her.  A joke that went completely over her head), talked about fake leather boots (a topic second on my “least interesting subjects list,” only narrowly missing out to your thoughts on Linkin Park’s underground albums), and the part where she actually called her dentist to schedule an “emergency” 8am appointment the next day.


Happy Valentine's Day from Uptown Almanac! Part 2!


In the worlds of late, great ODB, “sexy, sexy, sexy.” Also, PUKE. Also, to each their own so ORDER AWAY, PERVS! I can’t wait until some “creative” freak makes reusable diapers out of this stuff WHAT YOU KNOW IT’S GONNA HAPPEN. 

Came from local sexleb, Violet Blue (via Eve Batey!), so it’s okay for UA. Like i needed to explain that seeing as it’s basically martial law over here. 

Happy Valentine's Day from Uptown Almanac!

 BevMo! on Bayshore is selling these gorgeous foil wrapped chocolate roses. Although they surely have them as a Valentine’s Day item, they are Always in good taste (r).

We wish we could buy one for all the beautiful ladies of the world. 
