
At Least They Didn't Rename Mt. Diablo for Him

Support brutal dictatorships in South America, Africa, and Southeast Asia? Create homelessness at the astonishing levels we see today? Triple the deficit? Ignore the AIDS epidemic?

Spotted somewhere around 3rd and Brannan.

Bevan Dufty Unfit to be Mayor

Noe Valley SF reports that the Noe Street Plaza has been shot down in favor of the small parklets that have been going up around the city.  Even though this isn't entirely Dufty's fault and he's clearly going to receive the majority of the blame, the whole escapade demonstrates his inability to lead.  During a recent community meeting on the subject, Dufty could not control the floor and let screaming neighbors run the show.  The net effect of this failure was the “compromise” that was just reached in Noe Valley:

We are excited to report that of all the different ideas talked about over the past few months, Parklets on 24th Street have gained the most support in Noe Valley (a survey at the June 30th workshop, for example, demonstrated 3 to 1 support for this proposal). Parklets do not affect traffic circulation and instead use two parking spaces to build out a deck for landscaping, tables and chairs, and other pedestrian elements (see sfpavementtoparks.sfplanning.org for images of Parklets in other parts of town). If all goes to plan, we would like to add two Parklets along 24th Street this Fall. We will be working with the merchant community to identify the most suitable locations but it is important to note that these spaces will be open and free to use by anyone. As in all Pavement to Parks projects, these Parklets will be trial and closely monitored for success. If they do not work out, they will be removed.

So basically a bunch of whiny car drivers derailed what would have been a positive addition to Noe Valley.  Instead, we'll get a place were people briefly hang out then move along (given my experience with the parklet on 22nd, it is not a comfortable space to spend any more time than it takes to eat a slice of pizza).  Oh, and it will probably be removed when people complain about losing parking spaces.

This is the second massive failure we're seen in the past 6 months from the Supervisor's office.  He largely punted the Dolores Park renovation outrage and presided over another joke of a public meeting on that subject.  Worst of all, he promised there would be a followup meeting in June to discuss planning for the Dolores Park renovations.  That meeting never occurred.

A man who cannot control crowds and show leadership on important, divisive issues does not deserve to be our mayor.  The fact he even considers himself qualified is shocking.

I applaud your self-esteem Bevan, but why don't you sit this one out so we don't have to endure another 4 years of incompetence.

Oakland Streetcar Plan Picking Up Steam

Some punk kid put together a detailed proposal for an Oakland streetcar plan for $987, or the same amount the writers of Uptown Almanac spent on alcohol, vegan cookies, and condoms last weekend.  I read about it awhile back, but it seems to be gaining momentum with said punk kid, 20-year-old Stanford student Daniel Jacobson, presenting at the Oakland Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Committee tonight. These types of proposals usually, inexplicably cost a few hundred grand to put together, so I propose capping city planner ages at 21, when idealism and naivety allow people to create things without wasting a shitload of money. Read more at Oakland North.

A Short Lesson in Economics for Our Esteemed Mayor

For once, I mostly agree with Bill O'Reilly:

Maybe I'm alone here, but the shit that's been going down at City Hall lately is so profoundly embarrassing that it makes me want to deny living here.  In an effort to legislate for headlines rather than solve issues, the city recently banned soda from public vending machines and is currently considering banning pet sales because there are too many abandoned hamsters at the SFPCA.  Look Gavin, I know you blew your way through college and you're pretty much just winging this gig as mayor, so let me help you out a little bit.

The city has some real problems, like a huge budget deficit that our already ludicrous tax-rate can't balance.  And that it's goddamn impossible to find condoms on the 23rd St. Walgreens*.  However, Gavin is generally more concerned with addressing the negative externalities of capitalism than running the city.  How can we solve these problems at the same time?  Taxes.

This graph should actually mean something to a politician.  Sadly, Gavin is a talentless jackass in a suit.

Basically, what Gavin is trying to address is that a hamster may cost $25 at Petco, but it costs society additional money because SFPCA needs to care for the animals/toss them in zee ovens.  There are a few ways to handle this problem:

  1. Criminalization: makes you look tough for your campaign for higher office, but doesn't do jack shit (how hard is it to buy drugs?)  In these cases, people will just ride the BART to buy pets or buy soda from a bodega.
  2. Lawsuits: sue the pants off companies hurting America.  Generally just makes lawyers rich and slaps wrists.
  3. Taxation: artificially raises the cost of goods with negative social effects to lower consumption of said goods while raising revenue for the government/regulatory agencies/the NSA's porn addiction.

What am I getting at here?  If our elected officials even had the faintest idea as to what they were doing (read: qualified individuals were elected for office, as opposed to windbags like Chris Daly), they would cease making the city look like it is governed by a left-wing idealist version of Sharia law and begin taxing the things that hurt our society.  Too many hamsters being euthanized?  Put a tax on hamster sales, thus encouraging people to adopt while simultaneously raising funds for the SFPCA.  Too many fat kids drinking soda?  Tax soda sales within city limits and use the money to fund healthy lunches in school cafeterias.

In short, stop running for Lt. Governor and try to fix the city.

* okay, that last one isn't a problem for City Hall.

(video hat tip to SF Citizen)

As far as I know, everybody loves The Situation, and if you don't love The Situation, I'm gonna make you love The Situation.

While it might seem obvious as to what crazy man Arnold is getting at here, I'd prefer to think he's encouraging more people whose daily routine involves Gym, Tan, Laundry to run for office.

3 second photoshop job (via Zach Perkins, via 2pac)

Red Dawn 2010: San Francisco

(Photo via Governor Schwarzenegger's Twitter)

The Governator welcomed Russian President Dmitry Medvedev to San Francisco earlier this evening.  I'm kinda disappointed they didn't send Ivan Drago (HE MUST BREAK YOU).  Also disappointed that Arnie, with all his action cred, didn't do anything to stop this Red Invasion.  

According to SF Appeal, the Russians are after San Francisco's most valuable natural resource… Twitter.   Leave it to Gavin to quickly become collaborator #1 in the Russian Occupation of SF; he'll be facilitating Medvedev's access to Twitter HQ  tomorrow, where they will undoubtedly steal all our tweets for study and dissection back at ChatRoulette Labs.  

Avenge Me!  WOLVERINES!!!

Q: If Red Dawn took place in the Mission today, what would be the name of our youth based resistance cell?

  • Trustafarian Terrors
  • Fauxhemian Fangs
  • The Blue Ribbons
  • …?

CRAZY ALERT: Proposed Amendment to Allow Any Asshole to Appeal Any Event

This is so fucked I'm just going to let this email we received from Dana Ketcham speak for itself:

I want to alert you to a proposed charter amendment that the Board of Supervisors will be considering in a hearing at 10 am on Friday on the 2nd Floor of City Hall. I apologize for the late notice but I just learned about the hearing.

This amendment would potentially allow any event permit issue by San Francisco Rec and Parks Dept. to be appealed  by any member of the public that opposes the permit. The appeal would go to the Board of Appeals (a lengthy process). This amendment could make it extremely difficult to do events because:

  1. Any permit could be appealed by anyone. Basically every park in this city has at least one vocal neighbor that does not want events at the park. This includes Justin Hermann, Union Square, Golden Gate Park, Dolores and many others.  In addition, there are other park groups who oppose events in parks in general.
  2. There is no time frame on the appeal process so you would have an appeal pending making it impossible to plan for your event. If the Board of Appeals does not hear the appeal, you can proceed with it but it would be uncertain if it would get to your appeal. We know the months of planning that goes into the events.

We believe that all of you do valuable work on a number of types of events ranging from fun events in our parks to fund-raisers for not for profit organizations to cultural celebrations.  These would be curtailed.

As part of the permit process with SFRPD, SFRPD works hard with each of you to be responsive to members of the community and their concerns and ask each of you to do community outreach as part of the permit process to address their concerns. If there are significant issues SFRPD tries to resolve them and if necessary takes the permit to the Recreation and Park Commission.

I urge you or the organizations you represent to appear at this hearing to learn about this proposal and to express your views. The meeting is at 10 am on Friday in the 2nd Floor of City Hall. The best thing is if you can appear in person . If you can not, I urge you to email the members of the Board of Supervisors who are on the Committee that are hearing this appeal. They are:

If this proceeds it will be a ballot initiative on the November ballot. It would also provide the members of the Recreation and Park Commission would be appointed in part by the Board of Supervisors.
