
GoldSprints Setup Stolen

Bummer: the West Coast GoldSprints setup was stolen Monday night up in Marin.  If you've never raced GoldSprints before, it was a blast and the entire setup easily cost tens of thousands of dollars:

Sometime between 8pm Monday night and 8am Tuesday morning my entire GoldSprints roller racing rig was stolen.

It was parked in a lot in a normally safe, patrolled, well lit area in an office park on the south side of Novato.

The thieves broke the substantial Masterlock brand tongue lock that was on the trailer.

Leaving only a bit of debris and a portion of the lock, they towed the entire thing away.

It is a PACE American 12' dual axle white utility trailer with a side door and barn doors on the rear. I had just put a burly new Masterlock on the rear of the trailer as well.

All four of my gold metal flake Kreitler rollers with fork stands, the four wood stage decks, four Marin Ignacio black fixed gear bikes and four Globe Roll bikes were inside.

They are unusual in that they all have 53 x 13 gearing and are brakeless fixed gear bikes.

My Mackie speakers and Mackie subwoofer as well as four bins of sound, video and computer cables were inside along with all my associated tools and hardware. A Rane brand mixer, 19” LCD monitor, video projector and Globe banners as well. Two power drills and a red Craftsman toolbox full of hand tools.

If you spot the gold Kreitler rollers or fixed gear bikes with stupid tall gearing from Marin or Globe or any of the other items I'd love to hear about it as would a couple of local police agencies.

Anyways, here is a better pic of the bikes and you can see the trailer here.

(photo by Datenschwanz)

Followup: Dolores Park Police Chase

Chalkman weighs in:

CHP hot pursuit of red camero. KPIX news van in pursuit as well. Perp comes down Dolores and realizes mistake as “cars parked for church—wink wink” have Dolores down to one lane each way. Perp cuts across middle and drives down wrong way before cops box him in. Driver bails between 17th and 18th, runs around corner at 18th and Dolores and gets tazed by SFPD on the garage door next to Bi-Rite creamery (red door with white diamonds). Passenger stays with car and has multiple guns pointed at her by CHP and SFPD.

Tazer scream was loud enough to get me to come out from my place across the street. Perp cuffed and taken away by CHP within 15 mins of tazering.

If San Francisco Crime Was Elevation

Reader “Mission Grinch” sends us this excellent map of Crime data in SF:

Congratulations to the hard working whores of Capp street for bringing home the city's prostitution championship. What would that trophy look like?

The sad part is that Capp St. straight up DOMINATES in that category.  That said, I was surprised how little robbery happens in the Mission.

Be sure to check out the full set on Doug McCune's blog.

Pop's is Having an Identity Crisis

A month or so ago, Pop's ditched their amazing 90s-era television for a flat screen.  That was sacrilegious, but I was willing to deal with it because it's the only bar in the Mission you can drink Jager unironically.  But this?  No more awesome posters.  No more Burt Reynolds.  No more vintage Bud Light boxes.  No NOTHING.  Just a bunch of ugly ass, plain, graffiti-free red walls.  Rumor even has it that TRINA is leaving the jukebox.

Pop's is one of my favorite bars in the world because they proudly display who has been 86ed from the joint:

  1. Jesse was booted for repeatedly starting fights and throwing pint glasses in guy's faces.
  2. Another bro for exposing his genitals to “yuppies” and pissing in the corner behind the pinball machine.
  3. Another girl for throwing a pint glass through the front window.

Pop's is one of the only bars in the Mission where you can get molested for not looking cool.  Pop's is one of the only bars in the Mission where the women are more likely to hurt you then the bros.  Pop's is one of the only bars in the Mission with slam-dunk competitions.

Has Pop's peaked?  Is this an end of an era?  Will Pop's lameout and start hosting art shows in favor of shitty posters?

Don't go anywhere, Pop's.  We loved you the way it was.

Smooches <3,

P.S. - Get rid of the Valley Girl soundtrack.  Fuck that garbage.

2Pac R.I.P. 4EVA

Sometimes art cars just come straight from your patriotic-ass, peace-makin', Clinton-supportin', dog-lovin', old-school thug-ass heart, and it doesn't matter that you've only got four colors of paint. Why? Because you love America, and Tupac rules. (via carinabot)

iPhone stolen by urinating man during Bay to Breakers

The day after b2b is always the best day on Missed Connections.  This particular one stuck out of the crowd.

Text in full incase you can’t read the crappy screencap:


You were the dude that pissed underneath a house I was standing to yesterday at B2B. You came over and joined our group for a second and introduced yourself. I thought you were just being friendly putting your arm around me but considering you were actually taking my iPhone out of my pocket and stealing it, i’d really like it back. That wasn’t cool, dude. Seriously, look me up in the contacts. It will reset your douche Karma.

