
Cycling Machine

Lots of good art around the city this week bros.

Photo was taken by Ramona Wheelright.  I wish I knew who drew it because it's fucking rad.

You can go grab this piece (and others like it) at Fabric 8 on 22nd and Valencia.  The perfect gift for the cracked out dog lover in your life! (photo)

Lastly, this was found outside the 111 Minna.  It's likely cooler than anything you'll find in the gallery. (photo by Beej Weir)

Vintage Clip of KRON 4 Splooging All Over Bike Messengers

One of my favorite shitty lines is from the movie The Sum of All Fears.  My paraphrasing here, but basically a girl is describing her new love, Ben Affleck, to her friend:

Girl 1: On a scale of one to ten, how hot is he?

Girl 2: One to ten? A thirteen.

That quote perfectly sums up this clip.  First, if I had to rate this clip, I would give it an enthusiastic 13 OUTTA 10.  Second, the narrator is such a dork about his love of bike messengers, you can't help but think they are the Ben Affleck of San Francisco.  Enjoy:

(Thanks to commenter cat for the tip!)

Blasting Downtown

Massan for Leader Bikes from Brandon Finks Video/Animation on Vimeo.

Fuck me sideways.  The first 90 seconds felt like an SF version of the X-Men mountain bike messenger movie of the early 90s, but wait until you get to 1:30.  Bombing downtown without feet or brakes.  Crazy.

From the Vimeo description:

Project I worked on with Macaframa films for Leader Bike commercial featuring Massan Fluker. I was one of three editors on the project and created all of the motion graphics and title sequences (check out the animation at the very end of the video, it's pretty cool). This was another project with an insanely short deadline, all motion graphics work was created in one night. Produced in early 2010, camera work by Colin Arlen, Colby Elrick; edited By Colin Arlen, COlby Elrick and Brandon FInk, motion graphics/animation by Brandon Fink, music by Massan


Also, if you haven't seen the X-Men doc yet, check out this clip.  The movie is screened every year in Boston but I have no idea where you can find it in SF.  Sorryboutit:

Sunday Streets Recap

Sunday Streets is the best.  I feel like the whole neighborhood gets together to ride bikes, walk and take pictures of each other.  What's not to like?

This guy was easily the most blogged about/highlight of Sunday streets.  Somehow, this mastermind figured out how to engineer a bicycle-piano hybrid.  Mind blown.

The crazies were out in full force, including one man who took the rare opportunity of a car-free Valencia to exorcise himself.

Speaking of crazies, Mission Loc@l had a table setup and were signing people up for their email list.  Unfortunately they were not giving away their tshirts to assholes.

Plant-based fashion was all the rage this year, as these two “totally not fucked up” individuals demonstrated.

While I was humored by the dudes with their palm hats, I think The Plant Bike might be taking the safari theme too far.  Was he demonstrating the utility of the bicycle or just trying to be stand out in the jungle of cool?

After the streets were opened back up to cars at 3pm, the internet decided to descend upon Dolores Park.  After a day of Burning Man bikes, bands and costumes, some dude rolling balls believing he was an eagle in flight was largely ignored.


Bikes in Bodegas

I really enjoy this sign for a multitude of reasons:

  1. The mere presence of this sign implies that people bringing bikes into this Valencia and Duboce bodega was either frequent, obnoxious or both.
  2. The owner turned letters into arrows.
  3. The owner clearly had to amend the sign with an additional “THIS POINT,” hinting that cyclists didn't understand the sign the first time around.
  4. Blocking the lottery table with bikes is a-okay.
  5. This store seemed to have a surplus of tallcans.  Coincidence?  I think not.


This video perfectly sums up life in San Francisco (ignoring that it didn't have 660 calorie cans of Four Loko in it).

From the vimeo page:

The second edit with the Kodak play sport now with wide & macro lenses. I'm trying to share what I see from day to day in San Francisco, CA. and surrounding bay area. Nothing serious. I hope you enjoy. weouthere.

(hat tip Macaframa)

GoldSprints Setup Stolen

Bummer: the West Coast GoldSprints setup was stolen Monday night up in Marin.  If you've never raced GoldSprints before, it was a blast and the entire setup easily cost tens of thousands of dollars:

Sometime between 8pm Monday night and 8am Tuesday morning my entire GoldSprints roller racing rig was stolen.

It was parked in a lot in a normally safe, patrolled, well lit area in an office park on the south side of Novato.

The thieves broke the substantial Masterlock brand tongue lock that was on the trailer.

Leaving only a bit of debris and a portion of the lock, they towed the entire thing away.

It is a PACE American 12' dual axle white utility trailer with a side door and barn doors on the rear. I had just put a burly new Masterlock on the rear of the trailer as well.

All four of my gold metal flake Kreitler rollers with fork stands, the four wood stage decks, four Marin Ignacio black fixed gear bikes and four Globe Roll bikes were inside.

They are unusual in that they all have 53 x 13 gearing and are brakeless fixed gear bikes.

My Mackie speakers and Mackie subwoofer as well as four bins of sound, video and computer cables were inside along with all my associated tools and hardware. A Rane brand mixer, 19” LCD monitor, video projector and Globe banners as well. Two power drills and a red Craftsman toolbox full of hand tools.

If you spot the gold Kreitler rollers or fixed gear bikes with stupid tall gearing from Marin or Globe or any of the other items I'd love to hear about it as would a couple of local police agencies.

Anyways, here is a better pic of the bikes and you can see the trailer here.

(photo by Datenschwanz)
