
Is Pop's Bar the Worst Place to Park Your Bike?

If you read various Mission blogs or SF bike forums, you would have noticed that once a month some poor bastard gets their bike stolen or stripped outside of Pop's bar.  Well, it happened again last night.  What's going on here?

1160 York St.

That's right.  The dude that keeps stealing bikes (he even stole a bartender's dog and tried to sell it back to him) lives at 1160 York St. and no one (including SF's finest) will touch him.  You've been warned.

Dolores Park Bike Swap Meat

The announcement of this bicycle commerce party deserves to be shared just because of their epic poster:

The Dolores Park swap loosely organized. 10am is the official start time, but some sellers may be setting up early. to sell, just show up with a blanket and some stuff to flip. to buy, bring cash monie$.You might want some PBR and sunglasses, since you are at DP.

The last one was set up on the main concrete walkway that leads to the bathrooms from 19th street and Dolores. but previous swaps were just on the grass. I’d say its likely to be on the concrete again?

(link.  via benjaminjtaylor)

no big.

iän peeped this scene outside of July's Critical Mass and captured the moment with an EPIC SHOT:


sup just casual cruiser bike wheelie, no big.



Imagine this: a grassy bike ride all the way to work*, the neighborhood name NOPA doesn't exist and SFPD wouldn't be able to ticket cyclists at the ARCO station.  Well, apparently back in distant year of 1928, the city could have made this a reality.  The plan was to extend the panhandle all the way to Market st. along The Wiggle.  The plan called for demolishing housing along the route, indicating our politicians of years past actually had a spine.

I have no idea why it never happened, but I bet that Great Depression thing had something to do with it.

(via Wikipedia)

* a grassy bike ride to work for people who actually live in the western part of the city… and work.

SFPD Cracking Down on Cyclists in Lower Haight

Saw this posted up by “jacob” on one of the various SF riding forums:

i know there was just a long thread about the wiggle and running stop signs…etc. don't want to argue that just want to give the heads up that (after i got a ticket last night) the cop who issued said ticket informed me that there is going to be a focused police/traffic cop presence in and around the wiggle cracking down on moving violations for bikes. the city has told them to do this because of the bike lanes that have been put into place there.

esp. it seems that they are parking a cop car a few parking spaces down fell next to the bike lane on fell between scott and divis and nabbing people turning left on the red from scott onto fell.

anyway be safe/aware…

This is likely a response to the new traffic plan that was just implemented at the Arco station of Fell.  Even so, not sure why the city fells the need to go after cyclists who are not even cutting across traffic to make a left turn on a red.

(photo by David Gartner)


Nothing like a little bloodshed with Sutro in the background.

(Thanks Doublegin!)
