
Cycle Ball

Someone sent this to me saying “UP/AL material?” and I replied, “Uh, I soooo saw that video years ago.”  Regardless of my pioneering You Tube exploration, it would be rad to see this in the Mission.  Bike Polo is fun to watch, but it isn’t as cutting edge as Cycle Ball.  Don’t you fools care about being cool?

Check Out My Silver Screen Debut: Ride the Divide

So, apparently I’m in 5 minutes of this movie that is having it’s west-coast debut tomorrow.  I haven’t seen the movie yet, so I cannot vouch for its quality nor my performance (although it did win some award at the Vail Film Festival).  All I know is that I was really tired during filming and completely sober, so just know going into it that I was not my usual self.  Anyways, if you are a cyclist and at Sea Otter or find your in Monterrey tomorrow night at 8pm, go see 5 minutes of me being awkward and 82 minutes of people being well-adjusted in an IMAX theater.  For those of you at home, you can watch me hella fuck up my ankle while pushing my bike through the snow in the trailer embedded below.

Ride the Divide
April 15th at 8pm, Cannery Row IMAX theater, Monterey, CA (There will be a show the afternoon of the 16th if the 15th sells out)
$12 in advance at

New Sharrows on 22nd!

I know the photo doesn’t do it justice, but the most beautiful way to be welcomed back to SF is to see an seemingly endless line of orange cones marking of freshly painted sharrows all the way to Potrero.  I might be a little biased in my excitement because I live on the corner of 22nd but hella ya.

Cool kid tip: if you ride in the apex of the sharrow, you’re actually outside of the door-zone.
