
Lacoste Accostes Fixie Culture

I was on one of my rare trips downtown today so I could chill out with my favorite doctor (read: have a bunch of blood jacked from my arm for some sketchy tests).  I figured while being a little down on blood and hungry for some capitalism, I should take a solitary stroll around Union Square.  It was going so beautifully: a crackhead asking for change here, a Marina girl who couldn’t, like, possibly understand why Joe dumped her last night there.  Then all the sudden I spotted a loaf of Wonder Bread straight off the Kennedy Compound whimsically riding fixies because, shit, it’s summer-line time.

Buzz kill.

Biker Down on Capp

Shit is rough out there today.  I was riding down Valencia and saw a cop run a biker off the road (the cop pulled over without even looking behind him.  He realized his mistake, stopped, rolled down his window and apologized.  I would have flipped my shit but this cyclist seemed ‘cool’ with the situation).  Minutes later, I saw this on Capp. 

One Cogged Karma Sutra

It’s 8:47pm, we’re 7 miles away from the Mission, only two people remembered locks, everyone is at least five shots of Old Crow in, I just ate three slices of provolone cheese, and we’re desperate to play skee ball.
