A-Level Local Comedy!

A-Level Local Comedy!

Secret Mystery Headliner Takes Over Cynic Cave This Weekend

With a quick bit of searching, you can probably piece together who is taking over the Lost Weekend basement this weekend.  But, hey, don’t let the internet ruin the surprise.

Besides, it’s a deal: for the cost of a burrito and a beer, you can catch one sure-as-shit hilarious comic workshop an hour of new material.  What’s more? You don’t even have to leave the Mission.

The show runs Thursday through Sunday at 8pm nightly, with a solid crop of local stand-ups opening every night:

  • Thursday: Kate Willett & Matt Lieb
  • Friday: Sean Keane & Caitlin Gill
  • Saturday: George Chen & David Gborie
  • Sunday: Kevin O’Shea & James Fritz
