

BART Life: Works Inspired By Commuting, Opens Tonight at Z Space

Z Space, the theater and art gallery on Florida and Mariposa, is hosting a big art show and zine release party tonight.  It promises to be quite a scene:

BART Life is a series of drawings and paintings created by artists Diane Ramirez and Stephen Kral that record and detail the charming and not so charming incidents, encounters and improbabilities found daily while commuting on BART and Muni. The BART Life opening reception also doubles as the release party for volume one of Tales From the Tenderloin, a collaborative zine that documents the freaky, fun and grimy stories of life in the Tenderloin as told and drawn by those who have walked its streets, breathed its air, and came out the other side with a tale to tell.

Plus, Lovesick Deejays will be spinning party jams all night, and there’ll be free PBR and Anchor to start it off, with a “full, no-host cash bar” to follow.  Starts at 8!