SF Parks Department Suspends Permit Process For Mission Soccer Field
— By Kyle Kelly-Yahner (@kylekellyyahner) |
It turns out the Mission Playground is no longer for sale.
Yesterday, San Francisco’s Recreation and Parks Department repealed its previous policy allowing adults to rent Mission Playground’s soccer field. The decision is unsurprising after the Rec and Parks received tremendous backlash for quietly selling public space for private use, resulting in a bunch of Dropbox/Airbnb employees thinking they could book the Mission Playground without confrontation, as we watched in the infamous video we wrote about last week.
The decision is a step in the right direction, but not enough for one of the kids who was playing at Mission Playground the day of the tech encounter. During their pick up game against the adults who tried to kick them off the field, he claims to have been kicked in the back. The youth says he feels it was it was no accident, and plans to press charges against the man who allegedly kicked him.
He told Mission Local, “I’m not going down without a fight,” adding “I want an apology to my face.”