
Map Geekin': Where San Franciscans Are Moving To and Where They Are Coming From

I know you're all sick of maps but fuck it, Forbes recently published this map showing where people moved across the country in 2008.  Captured above is the dataset of where people moved into SF from (black lines) and where they left too (red lines).  Not very surprising that the majority of departures were to the Greater NYC area, New Jersey, Portland, Seattle and Austin and people flocked to SF from SoCal, NYC, Chicago and Boston.  Oddly enough, Massachusetts was the only state in which people moved to SF from every county, something even California couldn't claim.  Multiple states didn't lose a single resident to SF, including a bunch of states that no one gives a shit about.

Anyways, click around the map too see how much wealth the city is losing to the Northeast.



Generic points out this “Handy Map of San Francisco Bay” made way back in a 1938 Cartoon Guide to California posted on Strange Maps back in 2008.  I want this book so I can spill beer and pizza sauce all over while reading it while in the bathroom.  Also, my map would have hella fog, unicorns running around the peninsula while drinking Red Bull and throwing money out of convertibles and mad sea creatures in the ocean.

Fancy Mid-Market Interactive Map

While this press release from David Addington,  er, article by Susie Cagle is fairly one-sided and makes some dubious claims, such as “Proposition D would have earned Mid-Market an estimated $100 million for neighborhood improvement projects and community betterment,” I’m willing to ignore all that for the awesome map of the new developments in Mid-Market she created with Laura Foxgrover and David Sachitano. Cagle drew it and you can click on things that will show you other stuff. This is the internet I was promised! As someone who spends a lot of time in Mid-Market, I’m pretty fascinated with what’s going on there now and can usually only find info from Central City Extra, which covers it extensively, and actually speaks to people who live there. Imagine that. Also Curbed SF, where Cagle was once the editor.

Found this article/rad-map via
