— By Kevin Montgomery (@kevinmonty) |
First puppets were stolen out of a van, now stuffed animals are going missing? What the fuck is going on here, Mission District?
— By Kevin Montgomery (@kevinmonty) |
First puppets were stolen out of a van, now stuffed animals are going missing? What the fuck is going on here, Mission District?
Comments (6)
Monkey Dearest | [Permalink]
This should not be a problem. Stuffed animals are just as important as live animals. Surely we all have a secret snoogie somewhere that we love to cuddle up to when times are tuff. Thank God it wasnt a real kangaroo!
Eric Gregory | [Permalink]
Remember, if you steal some kid’s favorite stuffed animal, you might be able to get the parents to pay you $200.
I sort of think before I type. | [Permalink]
This is very very sad and I hope the kangaroo finds it way home. If I lost my stuffed sheep-lion I would be absolutely distraught and cry for days and days.
Anonymous Coward | [Permalink]
Look at how many people think they have seen it!
I don't think before I type | [Permalink]
Probably was the coyotes:
“One of the indicators is looking at street signs and seeing lots of notices for missing cats and dogs,” he said. “Somebody says Fluffy is missing and that’s where he’s gone.”
Monkey Dearest | [Permalink]
how about “Missing Bullshitter”….lost my bullshitter, $200.00 reward if found ~