Have You Seen This Kangaroo?

First puppets were stolen out of a van, now stuffed animals are going missing?  What the fuck is going on here, Mission District?

Comments (6)

This should not be a problem. Stuffed animals are just as important as live animals. Surely we all have a secret snoogie somewhere that we love to cuddle up to when times are tuff. Thank God it wasnt a real kangaroo!

Remember, if you steal some kid’s favorite stuffed animal, you might be able to get the parents to pay you $200.

This is very very sad and I hope the kangaroo finds it way home. If I lost my stuffed sheep-lion I would be absolutely distraught and cry for days and days.

Look at how many people think they have seen it!

how about “Missing Bullshitter”….lost my bullshitter, $200.00 reward if found ~