The CBS Newspaths are using Eucalyptus Trees to brainwash Sitrokrillions of Populations.  Fuck an NBA championship; If that's not a reason to riot, I don't know what is.  (via Caliber's twit pic)

Unless you're like my roommate who just woke up 15 minutes ago in a drunk/hungover stupor, you're probably already aware that ex-BART cop Johannes Mehserle has been found guilty of involuntary manslaughter.  Depending on your source, he faces a 5-14 year prison sentence (up from 2-4 years because the crime involved a firearm).  Considering that a drug related felony could potentially land you more time than he'll get for shooting a detained 20-something in the back while everybody filmed it, it's no surprise that people are pretty upset.

The Uptown Action News Team will have more live coverage of the potential unrest in Oakland soon whenever the fuck we feel like it.