Kúuup, A New Mayan Restaurant, Opens Up on Mission

This place opened up just last week on Mission between 16th and 17th and while their interior may be painfully bland non-existent, the salbutes and panuchos that I shoved into my mouth just a few hours ago were pretty damn good.  So good that I almost made it through my entire meal before documenting it for the benefit of this half-assed review:

Now, it's worth noting that nearly everything on their menu has meat in it (including all their entrees, which hovered around $9 each) and I'm a vegetarian, so you're going give this place a go for yourself if you really want the low-down.  That said, the salsa nearly made my friend burst into tears, which is generally a good sign that they're on the right track.

[Thanks to Grub Street for the heads up]

Comments (2)

Fortunately Poc Chuc is only a short walk away if you want Mayan food that doesn’t exclude veggies.

Kúuup has my new favorite tacos in SF.