— By Kevin Montgomery (@kevinmonty) |
It's hard to tell exactly how the refreshed Cafe Rev/Escape From NY Pizza parklet on 22nd will turn out, but it looks like they're swapping out the wood paneling for metal, putting lots of bar-style seating facing the road, giving us less bike racks, and potting various plant life at the ends for the resident crazypeople to use as a litter box.
Comments (6)
Eric Gregory | [Permalink]
This is good to hear, the old parklet was missing over the weekend and I worried it that spot would be parklet-less forever.
Ted | [Permalink]
Dude, Rev man…smoke me out dude?
Chalkman | [Permalink]
what’s the point of bar seating if you can’t take your drinks out there?
Kevin Montgomery | [Permalink]
Eating crazy amounts of pizza?
The old parklet had a few bar-level stands that I always used as a standing table while I fed myself grease at 1am. It was quite nice.
P.D.Bird | [Permalink]
I agree, The parklet in front of Mojo”s is allowed to have beer on it,why not the other’s? And really, who is going to enforce the no drinking ban? I see people brown bagging at almost all the parklet’s in the city already…
stiiv | [Permalink]
I’m glad to see it back. This time, guys, take care of plants please.