— By Kevin Montgomery (@kevinmonty) |
According to SFist and the Brass Knuckle Food Truck, taker of the above photos, this shitty Lucille Bluth wannabe cut down the beloved tree swing at 19th and Valencia with a box cutter yesterday afternoon, only to then call the cops on the hordes of outraged onlookers, whom she allegedly felt very threatened by.
Reportedly after this box cutter-wielding crazyperson chewed out the swing's defenders, calling them “occupiers” and suggesting they get a shave (perhaps a nice rose-water-and-eucalyptus-infused shave with a neck and hand massage down the street?), the cops let both the tree swing hater and its “harassing” supporters go, citing his unfamiliarity with tree swing laws.
Another day for justice…
[SFist | Mission Mission]
Comments (11)
Carmen Castillo
That’s the thing – there’s probably no law against hanging that swing in the first place, and there’s definitely no law against cutting it down, unless it’s on private property, or is itself public property, but there very much is a law against harassing or threatening other people. So the cops let the lynch mob off easy.
This is the same woman that rips down flyers from lightposts
She sounds like a jerk.
Easy solution: hang the swing boxcutter-proof chain or braided steel cable.
Remember all this at halloween time. Also: eggs, TP, wet cornflakes and the like.
Not really for swing slashing, but that said the only person I ever saw using the much mourned for any length of time was my least favorite violently insane homeless guy, who was using his (whimsical?) momentum to take ineffectual kicks at passersby.
I am astounded the thing lasted as long as it did, and I believe there are bigger villains out there then this trench coated fun hater.
hahahah i just think this is so funny. put up a nother swing, and let’s keep cracking up about the psychos. until they raid her home and find heavy artillery
*another. i swear i know how to spell : )
this lady is crazy, I’ve talked to her before and am under the impression that is a busybody that doesnt know when to stfu….if u really get her back for this….poop on her front stoop
i fought this lady! she caught me taking her picture and grabbed my cell phone, she drew blood with her long nails so i walked he to the police station to “resolve it”, i got the cell back and she told police to arrest me. she also told me her daughter’s would “take care of me” lol
(i was upset she was taking down flyers)