— By Kevin Montgomery (@kevinmonty) |
The Examiner brings us news that the anticipated Mission Bowling Club on 17th needs the Board of Supervisors to amend a 15-year-old liquor license moratorium in order to move forward:
Bowling and boozing — two inherently related activities — are the subject of city legislation designed to clear the way for a proposed new six-lane alley and bar-restaurant in the Mission district.
Supervisors Jane Kim and Scott Wiener want to tweak the planning code to make way for the new locally owned business, which wouldn’t otherwise be allowed because past problems with the area’s drinking culture prompted restrictions on new liquor licenses.
The liquor license restrictions mentioned were made way back in 1996 to help combat gang violence, preventing new bars, grocery stores and corner stores from selling booze. Undoubtedly the reasons for the moratorium are not as pressing today as they were, so why not just strike down the restrictions altogether so the Mission can get more bowling alleys and breweries instead of boring condos?
I would also like to give a quick shoutout for Supervisor Wiener for once again filling in for The Mission's absentee Supervisor David Campos.
Comments (4)
I’m sure David Campos will talk in that smarmy monotone and bullshit this to death because he sucks, he has no respect for the US Constitution, or anything beyond what his narrow power base with left wing organizations like POWER and others tell him to do. He’s an absentee Supervisor who needs to be told to STFU and go back to his lair and the people of his district need to send in someone who gets it and cares about people, not ultra left politics.
Prolly easier just to make it a pot club. With bowling.
I can wait for this to open so that my neighborhood will be flooded with loud, drunk Marina idiots and more fucking hipsters.
Idiot hipsters. Fuck their overpriced ironic yuppie bowling