— By Kevin Montgomery (@kevinmonty) |
Believe it or not, San Francisco is full of funny people. Most of those people aren't bloggers and are usually forced to travel to North Beach to be funny. This is clearly unacceptable.
So: GET FUCKING DRUNK AND MEET YOUR LOCAL COMICS NEXT TUESDAY AT THE ROXIE. Our legal department tells us that we cannot advertise that there will be “free beer” at the event, so there won't be any of that, but there will be plenty of complimentary PBR to wet your whistle. And when the show's all wrapped up, we'll head to Delirium and have ourselves a round.
In summary:
Tuesday, May 10th at 7:30 @ The Roxie [16th and Valencia]
Tickets [$6.50] on sale now.
Afterparty at Delirium.
Laughs provided by:
- Donny Divanian
- Chris Garcia
- Emily Heller
- Sean Keane (Who'll be your host for the evening)
- Alex Koll
- Cory Loykasek
- Lydia Popovich (author of Hater Tuesday)
- Chris Thayer
- Mimi Vilmenay
Also, there's a Facebook event for those of you interested in telling Mark what you're up to.
Comments (2)
Do you have to buy tickets “NOW!!!” or can I be a lazy fuck and wait until the day of the show? Also, is that free PBR or free PBRs? ‘Cause I don’t want to bring a flask unless I have to.
Tickets are definitely available at the door. And yes, multiple PBRs.