— By Kevin Montgomery (@kevinmonty) |
PETA is busy embarrassing every San Francisco vegetarian today, suggesting in an open letter to Mayor Lee that SF change the Tenderloin's name to the “Tempeh District”:
I am writing on behalf of People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) and our more than 2 million members and supporters, including thousands in the Bay Area, with an idea that could help revitalize the struggling Tenderloin district: rename it the “Tempeh District.” By discarding an outdated moniker that evokes the horrors of the meat trade, you'll be sending a strong message to progressive businesses and health-conscious residents that this neighborhood is ready for a fresh start.
For those of you who don't know, tempeh is the inferior-tasting meat substitute sibling of tofu and seitan, that PETA's Tracy Reiman describes as “a healthy, cruelty-free meat substitute.” PETA continues:
It's true that the Tenderloin echoes vice and corruption and that slaughterhouses are constantly found to be in violation of the law and more. But now's the perfect time to put the city's past in the deep freeze. San Francisco is now renowned for some of the best vegan cuisine in the world, and the city deserves a neighborhood named after a delicious cruelty-free food instead of the flesh of an abused animal. If Tempeh doesn't excite you, how about Granola Flats or Seitan's Lair?
Go check out the entire letter over at SFist and have yourself a chuckle and the lunacy of American's most prominent animal rights organization. Meanwhile, I'm going to join my vegetarian brethren in hiding under a rock while scratching my head as to how PETA couldn't figure out that maybe, just maybe the name “Granola Flats” would be completely fucking stupid for a town known for its hills and collective ridicule of Berkeley.
Also, sorry for the crappy map Photoshop job. It's apparently difficult to find photos of PETA activists looking like Midwestern megachurch worshipers with their hands in the air and their eyes rolling back into their heads. Who knew.
Comments (3)
Leah | [Permalink]
I dunno, “Seitan’s Lair” is pretty good.
plumpy | [Permalink]
They are attention whores and you have played right into their game. PETA clearly plays by the rules of “any attention is good attention”, because they’re constantly getting ridiculed for the crazy shit they suggest, you know that, right?
BTW, speaking of vegetarian shit, the oven is broken at Rhea’s, so you can’t get their vegetarian BBQ chicken sandwich. BUMMERTOWN.
moderniste | [Permalink]
Oh crikeys. I know from sad experience that being a vegan (something I did for six long years in my early 20s) results in brain deficiencies coupled with cultish preachiness. A whole load of no-fun for everyone involved. (And don’t say, “but what about the poor little pigs cows and chickens?” I just don’t want to explain the human digestive system one more time.)