— By Kevin Montgomery (@kevinmonty) |
Some mommy blog has set their sights on 826 Valencia, the non-profit writing center and pirate supply store:
Would you let your kid dress up and play rapist? Murderer? Kidnapper? Armed robber? If they're a pirate fan, chances are you already do. And unlike, say, an outlaw cowboy (is there a kid on earth who's still into cowboys?), a pirate is not a rogue version of someone with a decent job. Rape and plunder is the very reason for their existence.
I've been one of the biggest fans of the pirate revival of the last decade. Loved Johnny Depp in the first Pirates of the Caribbean. I think the pirate supply store at 826 Valencia in San Francisco appeals to both kid and hipster parent like nowhere else. And it's cute that something so 1950s as pirates has seen a resurgence. A kid with an eye patch is so quaint — it's like seeing a kid in a coonskin cap.
The post then brings up modern day Somali pirates, asking “is this really a line of work we should be celebrating?”
What if you dressed your kid as a modern-day Somali pirate? With machine gun, hostage, bandanna … Seems pretty twisted, right? It would never happen. Well, just wait a few hundred years, it'll be fine.
Twisted, indeed!
Be sure to read the whole thing for additional comparisons to outfitting your kids in Nazis regalia, Al Qaeda-chic, and Darth Vader, the “genocidal maniac's” uniform. [photo by Eli the Bearded]
Comments (6)
While we’re at it, how many people did Pancho Villa kill? Let’s boycott their burritos until they change their name.
Disclaimer: Some other Andrew Dalton wrote that Mommy Blog piece. That guy seems like an asshole.
That blog is alarmist trash, like a modern day equivalent of True Crime magazines for parents or something.
Let’s look at some of the other headlines on it:
Why Moms Have Sex With Sons
Oral Sex in Second Grade: Who Is Teaching These Kids?
Sleepover Dad Gets 11-Year-Old Pregnant
Dad Leaves Toddler With Dead Mother to Go to Work
…or: “One hit wonder in publishing racket makes fortune in chain store high-markup retail.” But we’ll have to save that one for when they open their 20th location.
I like the concept, but those prices„, yikes!
Uhh… In a word? No.
Jesus h. christ, this is the stupidest thing I’ve heard all week.
When I was little my parents let me run around in a WWI-era German helmet, which clearly influenced me positively.