— By Kevin Montgomery (@kevinmonty) |
I've seen my fair share of needlessly long and bitchy parking notes in my days in SF, but this note spotted by the Tenderloin Geographic Society really takes the cake. Not only does this notemaker own a car and a color printer, suggesting they actually have a job that allows them to afford such niceties, but they also have a spare 45 minutes to write such a condescending rant before leaving the house. You think we'd all have better things to do with our time than spend it on a stranger whom doesn't even bother to hang such literature on the refridgerator for friends and family to jest over for months to come, but rather discards it on the street for cars, pedristrians, and pigeons to beat into the ground until the internet has a chance to document it.
A waste, really.
Comments (11)
Far too many people veil passive aggression with a veneer of cleverness. Get to the point. You’re not funny, you’re a coward.
You’re right. The author should have obviously just kicked in the fender instead. That would teach ‘em.
yeah! Fister is one tough SOB! what you want him to do Mister Fister? wait around a few hours or days and then Pile Drive the parking fool?
well…im with the writer of this. I live in SF and FAR TOO MANY people just park straight in the middle of a spot that is obviously made for 2.
people should be more thoughtful in parking and in life!!
Mister Fister should head back to NJ
I agree that far too many douche bags in this city have no idea how to park and continually do so in such a shitty way as to reduce the number of available parking spots. BUT, writing a 30-page dissertation to these retards will not solve this problem.
This guy should get a citation for his repeated abuse of quotes in this letter. Why the hell is “behind you” and “get out of your car” in quotation marks? The grammar police need to hunt this guy down and end his criminal activities ASAP.
This is a form letter the leaver has already made up, of course.
Got one of these type of notes back in the day. A motorcycle parked before I got there so when it left i looked like a bad parker. Oh well.
I hate people who leave notes like that. What does it accomplish; I mean really accomplish? You piss off the person with a car, and then you just wasted an hour typing up a “clever” note. Congratulations.
The leaver clearly has some bumper bashing issues. I wonder what those are about.
Looks like a form letter to me. I endorse this activity.
That they still bother to update the header on and print out every time they get pissed off…
Were they the ones parked in? Cause if they were, then they suddenly have some extra time on their hands.
We had some douchemonger park in a friend a couple weeks ago. We just swapped cars for a day, but I’m still not sure how to get a car out of that.
This is not effective communication. Burying your point in lines of snarky dick commentary just makes you look like an entitled asshole who deserves the karmic backlash of being parked in, finding hair in your food and experiencing MUNI delays. As my loving mother told me as a boy…”why did he hit you? well, because you acted like a jerk.”