— By Serg |
For those of you who still listen to radio it was announced today that KUSF is going online only and that the FCC license for 90.3 will be sold to some socal station so they can play classical music instead. I don't really listen to radio anymore anyways but when I did college radio was really the only shit I would bother with as commercial radio is largely irrelevant. If they can stream their stuff to my phone I'd probably make more use of it, or at least start letting me subscribe to shows so I can download them. Either way this kind of sucks, yeah radio is for dinosaurs but it was nice that it was still there. Hopefully now they just say fuck it and never play radio friendly versions of songs ever again.
Update: Oh cute, according to twitter this was some back room midnight deal USF pulled which is pretty dickish of them. They walked in during the middle of a show and just shut the whole thing down according to SF Weekly.
Comments (5)
This really sucks. Especially because the newer ipods no longer work with radio transmitters (my itrip).
I had recently been forced to listen to KUSF or KPOO.
I guess it’s KPOO from now on, but they play way too much Reggae and not enough Soul.
No, this is serious. Without an FM frequency… good luck getting promoters and labels to send you their releases, good luck signing any amount of underwriting, good luck having clout in the community with which to plan events, shows, etc. and look forward to a totally slashed annual fundraiser, cause who donates to an online podcast?
This deal effectively kills KUSF.
Shame on USF admin, really, it’s disgusting and totally reprehensible.
And they’re also losing the space at the University, so where are all those records gonna go?
Ya, they’re killing the station for sure.
I’m very sad about this. I turned on KUSF 5 minutes ago and heard classical. Not unusual for Saturday but evening drive time was prime time punk for this station. In a PTSD way I recalled with sorrow when WGTB in Washington DC went silent. Its underground programming was too much for the Jesuits at Georgetown. USF is Jesuit too. God I really don’t like bible thumpers be they protestant, catholic, or orthodox.
KUSF used to kill it. I can’t tell you how many new bands I discovered through them, and since no one who listened to the station was awake before 10am, I also got so many free tickets to shows. RIP.