— By Kevin Montgomery (@kevinmonty) |
Muni! No matter how polarized San Francisco has become, we can all agree on one thing: fuckin’ Muni. It’s the dismissive remark we all mutter in times of NextBus purgatory—and now, thanks to The Tens, it’s soon to be your rush hour shirt of choice.
They’re not printed yet, but The Tens confirms they are happening, The shirts were just printed (locally), so shoot him an email to get your hands on one.
Comments (5)
njudah | [Permalink]
fucking. awesome.
chickenrabbit | [Permalink]
everyone knows muni is fucking you, not the other way around.
Lauurin | [Permalink]
Ugh. Public transport is Sam Framciscro is better than any place I’ve ever lived.
Just ugh. A Tshirt to complain about the buses that come frequently and run all hours and only cost $2.00 that you never pay anyway because you sneak on the back? The collective persona of the typical San Framciscian is becoming one ugly, spoiled, entitled, ignorant, firstworld problemated motherfucker.
Kevin Montgomery | [Permalink]
San Francisco has a long, proud history of shitting on Muni. It transcends any tech boom, housing crisis, or influx of entitlement.
(For example, back in 1995, Willie Brown even offered up a mayoral campaign promise on fixing Muni in 100 days to gain support of the system’s critics (he failed).)
TK | [Permalink]
You must be new here. People have been complaining about Muni since Sunny Jim Rolph piloted the first N Judah through the Sunset Tunnel in 1928. It’s a way of life.
I would give you +1 for “firstworld problemated” but it’s canceled out by the -1 for “Framciscian.”