— By Kevin Montgomery (@kevinmonty) |
Some startup bros recently made a 'helpful' map for aspiring entrepreneurs telling them where they should plant their next VC-funded failure. The idea behind the map isn't necessarily bad, but the descriptions of each location demonstrates a basic lack of familiarity of San Francisco and some really fucked up low-level racism. For example, how could some “<3” the Mission but not include anything east of Mission or south of 24th on the map? Because it's dangerous at night? Gringo, please. Just because there are more brown people and hookers east of Mission doesn't mean it is particularly dangerous. In fact the Mission, if anything, is safer than all the other fun neighborhoods. Also, “hipsters on Valencia sometimes obnoxious”? Really? Maybe they look obnoxious, but I rarely see “hipsters” just running around trying to directly piss people off. To me, it just sounds like you were just the kid no one ever invited to the party.
Comments (12)
And so we get another edition of recent white kid transplant claiming for the mission – standing up (exclusively via keyboard) for all the homies who need his righteous anger and understanding of how “low level racism” practiced by whitey (well, other whiteys who just don’t get it like he does) and asians, apparently, keeps them oppressed.
Tthank you (and Nick Kristof) for taking on this thankless burden.
If you want to go read a sterile Mission blog, feel free to point your browser to http://missionmission.wordpress.com
i will be with non-awesome non-people in a non-awesome non-line somewhere east of mission street. hic sunt leones.
i agree and disagree. def more likely to get mugged on s.van ness or folsom than on valencia or guerrero. thats just obvious. even if you don’t get mugged you will feel like you should be getting mugged. and that has nothing to do with brown people. only has to do with it getting kind of sketchy over there late at night. i mean it doesn’t stop me, but i will not be surprised when i get mugged over there. i’ve actually only been mugged once and it was on the corner of pacific and gough so go figure with that logic. also, you’re the one who used the phrase brown people, which is probably more racist than anything the VC douches said. calling a neighborhood or area dangerous is not intrinsically racist. also check out this crime map- http://www.neighborhoodscout.com/ca/san-francisco/crime/ specifically more crime east of mission but not really more than the marina so go figure. never realized the marina was so dangerous. i guess thats were to go if you are hard.
It’s a funny thing, a white guy calling a Chinese guy racist over non-racist remarks.
I totally love south of 24th and east of S. Van Ness. If it makes you feel better, I’ll include the Mission to Cesar Chavez / Potrero.
Don’t get offended, but you’re being obnoxious, hipster.
You assume I’m a “hipster douchebag” (via twitter), I assume you’re a racist white dude. Assumption flying around everywhere!
Also, we’re practically neighbors but I use tumblr! What’s up with that!?!?!?!?!
Smooches <3,
I don’t think Garry’s post was racist but I wonder what you’re trying to say by trying to reinforce your statement with your own race.
“white guy calling a Chinese guy racist”
@Gary Tan: Chinese people can’t be racist? Only white people can be racist? What are you insinuating?
Jesus, actually, Chinese people are some of the most racist people in the world.
The tag says “The same old story: white people are terrified of other skin colors” – not even applicable here dude.
Garry, please don’t use the Lord’s name in vain.
Garry - as a white guy, I appreciate that you labeled the part of the mission I would enjoy. I also appreciate that you did not include your own startup’s east-of-mission headquarters in the labeled area. After all, since your confounder is brown and many of the people who work for you are not white, you should not include your address in the good white low level racism zone. Also, since I am trying to develop more hipster, will I be ok, given that I just chose an apartment and office for my startup that are east of mission? Or will someone write a blog post about me?
I too am concerned about the rise of racist maps published by chinese guys who work east of mission. This must not stand! Thanks for alerting us to this troubling trend.