— By Zach Perkins |
(photo ripped off from Plan 59)
Ok my real boss (not KevMo) is quite literally throwing shit at me right now, so I gotta make this quick. Here's a few key points I picked up on while skimming this article (WHAT THE FUCK AM I, A JOURNALIST?!)
- For the last 5 or so years, PBR has been owned by a dead guy.
- Pabst Brewing is the country's 5th largest beer supplier (2.7% of total market share).
- Pabst is a “virtual brewer,” owning the brand name. The product is brewed under contract by MillerCoors LLC.
- Pabst Brewing also owns the brand rights to Schlitz, Lone Star, and Colt 45.
- The new owner, C. Dean Metropoulos (I'D LIKE TO CHANGE MY LAST NAME TO THIS PLZ) is expected to put his 29 and 26 year old sons in key positions in the company. An attempt to maintain PBR's young and hip brand integrity?
Do you think that PBR will undergo a shift in brand identity now that it's owned by a man who made his fortune managing brands like Chef Boyardee, Duncan Hines, Bumble Bee Tuna, and (S.F. SPOILER ALERT) Ghiradelli Chocolates? Will PBR go (even more) mainstream? Feel free to hate.
Comments (11)
I certainly hope PBR stays authentic to its current brand identity for the sake of this dewd: http://www.usatoday.com/news/offbeat/2008-05-04-beer-coffin_N.htm
Nah dude, if they go out of biz then his PBR coffin will get x10 more ‘authentic’ vintage points, plus afterlife hipster poon.
interesting. it will be also interesting to see if they keep MillerMolsonCoors as the brewer or go elsewhere. Miller makes like, all the formerly local cheap beers. They also make Rainier (which is now pabst in a different can)
…oh wait, Pabst had no credibility to begin with.
PBR sucks. Still won’t drink that shit.
Did you know? By posting your personal preferences on the internet, it makes them valid and meaningful.
Where’s the “like” button for this comment?
Will Zach ever write an article that doesn’t end with a question? Is he really Carles from HRO? Just wanna be one of the Metropoulos Bros. (greek nintendo?) inheriting the hippest beer ever.
Pretty certain that carles didn’t invent asking questions at the end of a blog post but thanks for playing.
Will my roommate ever come out of the closest with his love for HRO? What about his love for Zach? Get off the couch Micah.
heart you