— By @BuffBro |
Hello, Good Dog fans!
There are a lot of good dogs in this town but it's tough to pick a winner. Iggy is an awesome pup - I ran into him at Rhea's when I was getting my kimchi on.
With all the delicious smells in Rhea's you would think a dog would just be barking like crazy at the sandwich crew, desperately crying out in dog-ese “Where's my sandwich! It's been half an hour goddamnit! I ordered the Korean Beef - it's the best one!”
But no, the little dude was chill as heck, and totally didn't mind having a conversation and posing for a photograph.
Great dog - best of the week for sure.
In other news the kimchi at Rhea's is amazing. I can't believe I never knew you could buy it in jars until this weekend. Goes great with scrambled eggs - just sayin'
Comments (5)
meligrosa | [Permalink]
watta cutie =)
moto-waki | [Permalink]
cuteness possibly enhanced by blur, but cute nonetheless.
@BuffBro | [Permalink]
I photoshop all the dog photos so that they have huge cans
misogynistic man-hater | [Permalink]
I bet Iggy would pair wonderfully with a fine pinot noir. Anyone else think so?
friscolex | [Permalink]
What a cutie-pie! This is an official invitation to this dog named Iggy from my dog named Iggie to come to a Multiple-Spellings-Of-Iggy Party: https://twitter.com/friscolex/status/265505930236530688/photo/1