— By Serg |
I came to SF from Phx, I hate that state. Just last year I was the last member of my immediate family to get residency in the United States, after first applying in 1987. I have lawfully been in this country since 1980. Fuck arizona’s bullshit law and fuck anyone who supports it. This shit is real and it has to stop. If you think only republicans can make it happen in a state across your border you are kidding yourself. CA already tried it and failed but if this bullshit keeps on it may hit your pseudo liberal ass in the near future.
The immigration system has been fucked from the gate. I don’t give a fuck what your stance is, the fact that people can be detained for simply “looking” unamerican is completely fucked. This isn’t just about immigrant rights, these fucking assholes want to take it back to some straight jim crow bullshit.
Comments (12)
wait, your not a citizen of this country? please don’t compare and/or make analogies of your people’s “struggles” those of african americans during the antebellum south. you are embarrassing yourself.
like it or not, you (voluntarily) came into a country that practices a representative form of democracy and people with the right to vote and the ability to hold federal and state office run shit (you being a legal resident can do neither). but my country will, however, require you to register for selective service so we can subject your ass to military conscription. at the end of the day you are still living a way better life here than in the place you ran away from. suck it up and get yourself educated. again, you are embarrassing yourself son.
Before you start trying to use big words like antebellum, maybe you should learn what they mean. Where does Serg compare anybody’s struggles to pre-Civil War struggles of African Americans?
Phrases and words I removed from this reply in working to foster an adult discourse: “Hey dipshit,” “the hell” “fuckface” “the rest of the shit you wrote is so retarded, I’m not going to bother responding to it.”
you are true in your correction, i was in a rush this morning and wrote “antebellum” instead of “postbellum” south. but the author’s original analogy between hispanics in arizona to african americans in the reconstructed south is embarrassing.
look, i understand you go to shitty law school (hastings) and will never be employed due to the fact that you’ll never be elected to coif. but i didn’t tell you to burn your money at hastings. you know what, next time I interview some hastings fuck (we don’t do hasting’s oci anymore, but you never know) i will personally ding that person just for you. congrats!
you can have my comment removed all you want. be ashamed of where you go to law school, but remember its a small legal community and we all know who you are at my firm now.
For starters, no one has ever asked me to censor a comment on this blog. Personally, I just don’t have a tolerance for racist morons making personal attacks about the authors of this blog in its very own comment section. You can hate Mexicans and slam this blog’s authors for not hating people solely based on their race all people all you want, you just are not welcome to do it here.
You can find plenty of fellow Klansmen at Tea Party rallies.
Good day.
Wow, it must suck to be “the man.”
You hate on law schools?
Did you know everyone hates lawyers?
No one cares where you went, you’re all dicks.
Blackball him?
Military Conscription?
Talk shit on a LPR?
I’m a citizen, stop embarrassing me.
yeah because it make perfect fucking sense to just detain people because they don’t look american enough. Give me a fucking break asshole. Fucking citizens of this goddamn country no less. Oh but don’t worry they aren’t “real” citizens they are of mexican decent so this bullshit is perfectly fine to pull.
they say the police will have proper training but these assholes are already using it to detain US citizens. Fuck civil rights, lets just detain people on fucking suspicion. And just what the fuck exactly is the criteria for determining if someone is illegal? Yeah I shouldn’t be opposed to this because it’s a democracy and America has every right to do this vile bullshit. It’s citizens should just take it up the ass and like it.
link to one website about the issue, without context or any further information about what they do
no other information about actually doing anything to affect change
lots of “fucks”
The bill is serious, and worth a lot of people’s attention, but you sound like a fucktard.
“THIS SHIT IS WAR” - seriously? What does that even mean?
it means I was angry and kind of drunk when I posted this on a fucking blog last night.
My parents still live in Arizona and my father works for the state government there so this the fact that this bullshit was signed into legislation kind of got me a pissed off. I want to get my parents the fuck out of that state now because I’m at the point where I’m like fuck Arizona, they don’t deserve to have us.
These people are breaking the law. Hundreds of thousands of people pay fees, get visas, and wait in long, long lines to be able to come to this country. These people should have to abide by our laws and do the same.
You’re pretty fucking dumb if you think this law is only going to have negative effects on undocumented immigrants.