— By Kevin Montgomery (@kevinmonty) |
If you haven't noticed, Clarion Alley has been getting quite the refresh over the past few weeks in preparation for this weekend's big 20th anniversary party, and they have a lot planned for Saturday. Megan Wilson of the Clarion Alley Mural Project (CAMP) fills us in:
The block party is all set for this Saturday. We hope to see you!! We have new murals, new songs, new faces and long-time neighborhood artists & residents, in tow.
Free Music noon-9pm (exact lineup below)
Children's Parade and costume contest starts at noon
Projections, Film screenings happening after dark
Limited Edition Zines and T-shirts will be available, designed by artist Rigo23 and others TBA
If nine hours of music isn't enough for you, The Roxie Theater will be showing a grip of footage shot in Clarion Alley throughout the years Thursday at 7pm:
In honor and celebration of the Clarion Alley Mural Project’s 20th Anniversary, the Little Roxie will feature murals by artists from CAMP in the theater’s lobby and storefront window during October. The exhibition will be accompanied by an evening of shorts filmed on Clarion Alley over the past twenty years, including rare archival footage from filmmaker Fiona O’Conner Devereux of the first murals in the Alley, narrated by CAMP co-founder Rigo 23.
See you there!
Comments (1)
manfreckls | [Permalink]
worst flyer ever….