Pets & Animals

Does Anyone Want to "Cat Bomb" Whiskey Thieves Next Week?


Don’t get me wrong, I generally think dogs are kinda cool, but I’m by far more into cats.  For one, cats are not a Dolores Park fashion accessory and are not acquired by otherwise dog-apathetic single guys to pick up chicks.  Cats also keep undesirable creatures (mice/rats/your ex-girlfriend with allergies) out of your apartment.  But, really, SF is a giant neighborhood that is all about bringing your pets into bars, either to be seen or some other noise like companionship.  So why the hell not cats?  Crystal tells me that the bouncer at Whiskey Thieves said the bar is willing to allow cats if they are on the leash.  Does anyone else want to have a cat-in?

So Ferneted

My weekend has so far consisted of spending far too much time in bars and at sketchy house parties.  My quest to find the “next Bender’s” (after the tragic departure of the delicious vegan menu) resulted in me eating my first piece of meat in years (sneak peak: Jay ‘n Bee Club is not the new Bender’s).  To top it off, I woke up at 10:30 on my couch completely covered in the remnants of a burrito I destroyed at 4am (side note: where the hell did I find a burrito at 4am?) and a mouth that tasted like a magical combination of Jim Beam, Southern Comfort, “spiced” rum, PBR, 99 Bananas and cat feces.  Sunday was clearly going to be an uphill battle.  But then I was rolling down 22nd and spotted a falcon perched atop of the New Mission Theatre.  Fuck, at least a got a mediocre post out of it all.

iLife: What the Fuck Man?

I don’t remember adding this untitled blog to my RSS reader but, hey, there it is and I kinda dig it. (more)

Some favorite excerpts from my NO WAY OUT BUT I GOTTA’ GET OUT zine. Maybe I’ll get around to actually making copies of this one? Sod Wiz flier from a couple of weeks ago (note the Old English ‘at’ symbol, I thought I was funny for a second…), and the return of the I Hope You Drop Your iPhone in a Public Toilet b.s. that I drew when I was super hungover at the coffee shop by my place, now scanned and legible for the world wide web.

