Mission District

Sirron Norris

I was imagining this as the first of dozens of Thomas Kinkade-esque Sirron Norris galleries around the country. Turns out, according to his website, it might be a one-of-a-kind spot featuring the man himself, cartooning lessons for the children, and a 3D video game where you walk around in of his paintings. Whoa. Spotted on Valencia & 25th; opens early February. Ball’s in your court, Jeremy Fish.

I Fucking Love Delano's IGA

Dinner for one.

The Delano’s IGA on South Van Ness at 23rd is definitely on my list of the best parts of the Mission.  First off, it’s open late and despite the fact there is never more than one register open, you’ll never face a line.  While all the cool kids are buying their food at Rainbow and everyone else in the Mission is at some place more reasonably priced, you can fill your backpack with ice cream, shit beer, and store brand Coca Puffs for well under $20.  But really, the thing that I’ve always loved about this place is the people that work there.  One cashier in particular loves it if you chat her up since it gives her a perfect opportunity to rant about every conspiracy theory under the sun.  When IGA switched back to plastic bags, I asked her about it and she went on a 2-minute long spitting rant about Chris Daly, “the grease ball” and “those fucking liberals.”  Shit, and you live in San Francisco?

Even their parking lot is epic.  They have one of my favorite rattle-can murals in the Mission even though I doubt you’ll ever see a mural tour swinging by the parking lot, which is probably a good thing because no one wants to take pictures of a homeless man wearing 3 jackets fucking a hooker over the hood of a Buick parked in front of a bunch of graf frogs (true story).

Delano’s IGA: it’s all class.

Mural Watch: Capp and 24th

Donald Tetto peeped this scene over a week ago (we’re slow to react, I know).  While this may not seem very special to you, I’ve always been impressed with this little parking lot: 1) they are constantly refreshing their awesome array of murals, 2) there is a wheatpaste ninja in the parking lot, 3) people hang out with dogs and sell cupcakes there.  HELLO.

Free Beauty Salon Sign Available on 24th RIGHT NOW

I was walking to Philz in an attempt to set foot out my front door for the first time in days (I can feel a sunburn coming on now) and spotted this.  I flirted with dragging this back to Capp but lost interest pretty quickly.  I guess I’m growing up or something.  Wasn’t even interested in free firewood/starting a new business/punking Bender’s Bar at 4am.  Damn.  Time to bring me to the glue factory.

Possible Banksy Spotted on 18th


I heard some rumors that the infamous Banksy of the “Anti-Totalitarianism, Anti-capitalism, Pacifism, Anti-War, Anarchism, Atheism, Anti-Fascism” movements has showed up in the Mission.  Looks possible.  I guess it’s only a matter of time before art collectors start roaming around the Mission for walls to purchase.

UPDATE: From our friends at Londonist: “It just doesn’t match his usual style - this is fuzzier…more blurred. And there’s no gimmick or social commentary to it. I’m 90% confident that this is by someone else.”  Still, I love this stencil regardless!

(photo by sangroncito)

The Most Rented Movies in the Mission for 2009

The New York Times actually posted something somewhat interesting today: a google map of Netflix data telling us what zipcodes rented what in 2009.  I guess the Mission isn’t as ironic as I thought it was.  I definitely don’t “get” the pulse of the 94110 since I’ve only seen two of those movies.  So, for the ‘Mission douchebag’ demographic:

Kevin’s Most rented “legally watched” in 2009:

  1. It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia (Seasons 1-5 and Xmas Special)
  2. Commando (1980s movie staring our governor, which is awesome by the way)
  3. The Rock (via SF pride)
  4. Fubar
  5. Daria (if you have not reconnected with this show yet, get on it)
  6. Dunno the rest.  Don’t actually think I watched anything else more than once, besides YouTube videos of cats/hampsters/lions eating lesser animals, of course.
