Art - The Streets

She Ain't His Bitch

For those of you into the defacing of other people’s property as much as me, you should get down to Mission Street @ 7th, where there is quite a good exhibition on display. All that, and you get the added bonus of the mammoth, good from all angles Federal Building across the street.

Gestalt Haus Stepping It Up

A while ago, I sort of fell out of love with Gestalt Haus.  Don't get it twisted: Murph is still peaced out, their supply of sauerkraut remains sketchy, the DJ booth still awkwardly switches from LL Cool J to Joy Division, they are less apt to pour beers in liters, and the old bike rack location remain some awkward lounge area.  But, damn, their bathroom snowmen are fucking tops and they are now one of the rare places in San Francisco that has Big Buck Hunter.  Believe you me, anyone who has ever lived in a town of with more dogs than people is truly baffled by the lack of a solid hunting games in San Francisco.  Nothing say “Friday Night” like paying $2.50 to 'bust shots' into big horn sheep while guzzling lackluster American Light beer for two bucks.  It's a great way to work out some of that vegetarian angst.

Also, who doesn't love staring at a giant dog while pissing?

Tough-Ass Mirror That Weathered the Storm

Got pushed into the ladies’ room the other night only to find this:


Over the years, there IS or IS NOT a mirror in this bathroom.  For a while, there was a tough-ass mirror that weathered the storm.  Thank you, mirror.  HOWEVER, I do not WANT or NEED to see myself when I’m in this bar.
So, hell wall.
Welcome back!
It’s nice to see you again.

ART FART: On the Cutting Edge of Street Art

I’ve left the Mission the last ten days in a row, indicating that I’m having a mid-twenties hipster crisis.  But, ignoring the implications of this new-found inner-city transience, it has been hella good for the street art.  Case and point: Art Fart.  There is a solid half dozen of these badboys all over Howard and 9th.  Felt like something I would carve into my desk in elementary school.  So revival.
