Call It A Comeback

Occasionally Read Blog Relaunches

That’s right, your neighborhood naysayer is back on the beat — bringing you the kind of low-quality content you’ve so sorely missed. We’re talking hard-hitting reporting on startup founders, business closings, liquor-store cocktails, and the moment-by-moment movements of Dolores Park rangers. You know, the important stuff.

We’ll still cover all the same golden oldies you’re used to, as well as tackle the larger issues facing our great city. Because we live in San Francisco too, and you deserve better than Nextdoor.

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[Photo: Jano Avanessian]

Comments (16)


Miss the news of my old neighborhood/neighborhoods.  The good and the bad.

Will you guys please review some of the new high-end clothing boutiques that have recently opened up on Valencia?

thank GOD. and seriously, NextDoor can go fuck itself. 

Oh yeah 

Welcome back! I’m so bored with Mission Mission.

Yo dawg…u back!?!

Now I know why I kept that bookmark. 

I worker here from 1985 thru 2000.  Looks like the same old Monday morning after nice weather….

Along with discussing the bigger problems confronting our wonderful city, we’ll still cover all the old favorites you know and love. See:

It’s great to see the “Occasionally Read Blog” back in action! The unique perspective and engaging content have been missed. Just as this blog brings fresh insights to its readers, a resin drives can bring a fresh, stylish look to your home. At Resin Driveway Birmingham, we specialize in creating durable and aesthetically pleasing driveways that enhance your property’s curb appeal. Looking forward to more exciting posts from this blog!

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